60| This wasn't my finest hour..

Start from the beginning

"How're you doing?"


I've had minimal contact with Elena. I appreciate everything she did for Scott and Ashley while I was gone even though they are not her actually siblings, she's treated them as if they are.

"I regret leaving the way I did.." I say. "I was scared and.. I made everything worse."

"You'll have to leave Beacon Hills eventually. You know that, right?"

I slowly nod. I always knew that college wasn't in my cards. Why waste time when I could be out doing other things with my power.

"Scott is still understanding the burden that is on your shoulders. It'll be fine.. wounds take time to heal."

I throw my arms around her. She's startled by the action, quickly putting her arms around me. I take a few deep breaths before letting her go.

"I should go home.. Kira wants to plan me a death party."

"A death party?"

"To celebrate my life."

She smiles, putting her hand on my cheek. I walk back to my car, going home. I'm glad to have the house to myself. Ashley is watching lacrosse tryouts with Kira and Malia. And while I hate the idea of her spending time with Malia I know she loves Kira.

I go straight to my room, sitting in my closet. I grab the old shoe box in the very back. I open the lid, staring at the vial. I grab it. I haven't touched it since I brought it back here.

I paid a visit to Mystic Falls. More specifically to Damon Salvatore. His blood fills the vial and in his blood, the cure. I was so close to just taking it before. Now, it feels like a distant memory. I put it back.

I sit on the floor for a little bit. I gather my thoughts before getting up. I take a shower, thinking it'll help. It doesn't. Shocker. I walk back out and find myself staring at my vanity. Each corner of the mirror is adorned with someone I love. One of the corners is now empty.

I need to get out of the house. I grab my keys and go to my car. I stop by the Chinese place I know my mom loves. Some time with my mom is maybe something I need.

After getting her food, I drive to the hospital. I walk in, bumping into Ashley. I look at her confused. I would've assumed she'd be at the house by now.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was visiting Liam."

"Who's Liam?"

"Mason's other best friend. They've known each other since they were-"

"I don't need a history lesson." I sigh. "Have you seen mom?"

"She was on the same level as Liam."

"Which is?"

"Level four."

"Great.." I throw my keys to her. "I'll drive you home. Wait in the car."

I walk to the elevators. Once I get off the elevator I see my mom on the ground with blood on her. I run towards her.

"The roof.. Olivia, get to the roof."

"You're bleeding, I'm not leaving you."

"It's not mine. Scott's up there. Now, go!"

I run towards the stairs that lead to the roof. Scott's leaning over the ledge as a boy is holding onto his back with blood seeping down his mouth.

"Oh my God.. is that a wendigo?"

Within a split second an axe is thrown into his body. I jump, seeing a tall man retrieve the axe. He walks away so calmly. He turns around to us, holding his finger in a 'hush' kind of way over his mouth but there is no mouth.

I turn my head to the boy and recognize him. It's the kid from the hallway earlier. He's leaning against a pillar with his arm bleeding.


"Scott, what did you do?"

"We need to get him out of here."

"What?" I ask. "Are you serious right now? That's abduction."

"Do something! Make him fall asleep!"

I enter Liam's mind.

"Sleep." I whisper. "And your master plan is what exactly?"

"We need to get him out of here."


"Yes, we!"

I throw a portal. I levitate Liam's body through it.

"Where is that going?"

"To the house.. more specifically your room because this is your problem."

I walk through the portal, staring at Liam's unconscious body. I don't know how long he'll be out.

I see a roll of duct tape on Scott's desk. I start taping together Liam's arms and legs. Last minute I put a piece over his mouth. I drag his body to Scott's bathroom, putting him in the tub.

I sit on the edge of Scott's bed, waiting for him to come. Finally I hear noise, standing up. I let out a sigh of relief when I see Scott and then there's Stiles.

"What is he doing here?"

"What is she doing here?"

"I had to call him, okay? He's the one with the plans."

"Surprised your little puppy isn't here."

He's clearly referring to Isaac who's followed me around pretty much everywhere.

"That's rich considering only one of us moved on within weeks. You're dating Malia, right?"

"Guys!" Scott yells. "Where's Liam?"

"Lying down.."

He looks around his room.


They follow me to the bathroom. I pull back the shower curtain.

"Oh my God, Livvy."

I glare at Stiles.

"This wasn't my finest hour.. but I freaked out, okay? I didn't know what to do."

They pull Liam out of the tub, setting him on the chair from Scott's desk.

"Well.. seems like you two got this handled. I'm gonna go.."

"Where are you gonna go?" Scott asks. "You're already home."

I throw a portal, quickly walking through it. I walk to my car and see Ashley annoyed in the passenger seat. I get in like nothing happened. Instead of going home I take us to get ice cream.

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