chapter 3: silvereye's true enemies and true allies

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A storm had rolled in over the crystal-clear lagoon. Silvereye, her crew and family had found shelter under the storm covers. Dragonfruit had helped round everyone up, but one important member of the family was missing. Silvereye's daughter Calypso was missing.

Dragonfruit countered and called out each deep-fin pirate by name. and felt a shock through her scales. when she realized little calypso was missing she hurried to Silvereye who was huddled against her mate Wavecleaver. "Silvereye! Bad news! I can't find Calypso she might still be out there!" Dragonfruit informed Silvereye. as she immediately stood up looking out at the storm,

Silvereye dove back out into the violent storm, acting on her maternal instincts. She was looking around desperately for calypso, raindrops dropping heavily on her scales.

"Calypso where are you. Please call out if you can hear me!" Silvereye called out desperately. as she continued searching for her dragonet. there was still no sign of Calypso. and the storm was getting worse by the minute,

"Please Calypso the storm is getting worse. we need to seek shelter now!!" Silvereye tried once more to call out to her daughter. as this time she heard a tiny voice in the storm it was drowned out by a massive thunderclap,

Silvereye hurried to the location she heard the voice coming from. and there she was Calypso frighten and scared tears rolling down her cheeks. "mother I..I couldn't hear you over the storm. but between the thunderclap I heard you it's so scary out here," Calypso said struggling through her words as silvereye scooped her up. "hush my dragonet. it's alright mother is here. now we gotta get back to the others. before this gets any worse," Silvereye said as Calypso cling on to her mother. and silvereye flew them back to the other dragons. to one of Dragonfruit's many storm covers. that she had built over the passes few months,

The cover was large hollowed logs over a sand pits. large enough to fit at least five dragons in each. Two if one of them was a mudwing in silvereye's storm cover it was her, Calypso, Wavecleaver, Dragonfruit and Kelp,

The storm was a thing that happened every now and then. on the crystal clear lagoon it wasn't safe to be out in it. due to the lagoon being a collection of islands. Dragonfruit had geniusly created the covers from fallen mahogany trees on the mainland. using her venom she had hollowed the wood to create safe covers covering them in sand so there was less chance for lightning strikes to hit the covers and catching fire,

The storm cover had only one entrance in each one. it was like a dragon made cave Dragonfruit was smart. for coming up with the idea for the covers in the first place. now they were safe from the storm's rage,

"Thank the moons I found you Calypso. what was you even doing over on that island?" Silvereye said putting her daughter down. "I'm sorry mom...I was just trying to find someone to play with. but then the storm rolled in I don't really like this kinda weather," Calypso said laying down putting her head on top of her talons her ears dropping,

"Don't be afraid Calypso. I'm right here sleep through the storm if you can. I can sing if you wish," Silvereye said brushing Calypso's back. the young dragonet nodded as silvereye begin to think of a song. the deep fin pirate queen begin to sing a song all about Calypso and her family and friends. soon Calypso fell asleep Silvereye put her wing over Calypso's back. giving a gentle glow of silver from her bioluminescence scales,

"Dragonfruit this storm it's much like a ocean hurricane. is it really what it is?" Silvereye said quietly as Dragonfruit nodded. "yes Silvereye it is unfortunately my lagoon has a storm and hurricane problem. I use to hide and wait it out back home with my tribe. the rainforest has a lot of cover more then crystal-clear lagoon. but we are safe in these storm covers just be ready we may need to clean up after its over," Dragonfruit said quietly to not wake Calypso it help knowing the storms were a problem but nothing too bad,

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