Author: Uhh... No...?

Y/N: You're an idiot.

Author: Fuck you.

Y/N: No thanks.

Author: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

Y/N: Anyways, let's get back in the story.

Soon, the train reached Tokyo and South said his goodbyes to the three.

The author would write some interactions between the three after that, but... His pea brain can't think of any convo starters for himself, let alone for others, so... Let's just say Kirishima and Y/N played chess along the way, cuz it's cool and Mina tried her best to understand what was going on in the match, but couldn't understand much.

They reached Chiba soon, as the three got off the train and went to their homes.

Y/N got inside the house as he changes into casuals and heads to Mina's house.

Standing outside, he sees a cat on a wall, and does the most reasonable thing.


Yepp. If you see a cat and don't do this, sorry.

We can't be friends.

Mina soon comes out of her house and sees Y/N playing with the cat.

Soon, a couple of cats see the boy and surround him.

Y/N looks around, as some of the cats go up to him and sit in his lap, while some start mewing (not that one) around him.

Y/N dies of cuteness.

Mina: ...

She takes a pic.

Mina: Hehe.

She coughs into her hand and speaks up.

Mina: When you're done with playing with them, we'll head to the daycare.

Y/N looks at her, and points at his lap.

Y/N: You really think I'm allowed to move?

Mina sighs, as she waits for the cats to get up and luckily, the cats get up soon, and the two then head to the daycare.

The two enter as they are swarmed by kids, all asking them various sorts of questions. Some of them were about what kind of quirks they got to see, some were about what heroes they got to see, some were about how UA was in real life.

Y/N sits down, as the kids gather around him as if he was a grandpa, and he begins to tell his... overly exaggerated first day at school. 

Mina watches this as she sighs, wondering why was she here, if the kids were all focused solely on Y/N.

Hikari walks up to her as she pulls Mina's skirt, grabbing her attention.

Mina: What's up, Hikari?

Hikari: Umm... Did you have fun at UA, miss Ashido?

Mina crouches down, as she nods.

Mina: I had LOTS of fun today. Thanks for asking, sweetie.

Hikari nods.

Hikari: Today, our teacher told us that asking someone how their day went after they come back can help the person feel appreciated and happy... and... and... I wanted to ask Y/N-niichan too, but...

She looks to the side as the two see Y/N with a kid in his hands, as he "flew" with the kid while running around and holding the kid up high.

He notices the two, as he puts the kid down and walks up to Hikari and ruffles her hair.

y/N: How's my adorable little goofball today?

Hikari: I should ask now... 

She speaks up in a loud voice, but still a low voice, if that makes sense.

Hikari: Niichan! How was your day?

Y/N: My day? Well, it was great. Thanks for asking, sugar.

Hikari smiles as she nods and grabs Y/N's hand.

Hikari: Come on! We're going to play house.

Mina: *grinning* Ooh, this will be fun.

Y/N: Uhhh... I don't think I'm the right person...

Hikari: Yes you are! Come on!

She drags the boy away, as Mina takes her phone out to record this one in a million moments.

We see Mina click a picture, as we see in her phone, Y/N sitting on a VERY small chair whole holding a little teacup in his hand, as he looked at the camera with an unamused expression and Hikari pouring tea in his cup. Two other girls about the age of Hikari were also on the table, enjoying their tea.

And so, another day came to an end.

A/N: Entry log-10 done! Ngl, I was kinda out of ideas about what to write in this chapter, since I didn't want to straight up skip to the next day of UA.

Anyways, hope you guys liked it,

Till the next time,


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