Chapter 1: negotiations of a new dawn,

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2000 years ago The war between the nightwings a tribe of vastly powerful dragons black as the night. and the icewings a tribe of beautiful white magically knowledgeable dragons.

Their war had raged on for many many years finally a peace treaty was to be signed. many dragons in charge of negotiation matters were sent from each respective tribe to meet on neutral territory,

From the nightwings they had sent a few dragons two in particular Forslayer and Shadowclaw. Foeslayer was accompanied by Shadowclaw primarily for her protection if anything went wrong he could get her to safety. as Queen Vigilance's most lethal assassin but even in negotiation Shadowclaw was a fairly wise dragon,

On the icewings side they sent Prince Arctic accompanied by Queen Diamond's own lawkeeper Radiance. a dragon very very knowledgeable about negotiations She would handle it if Prince Arctic couldn't,

As such both side arrived on their agreed upon spot to begin the long negotiation. and hopefully have a peace treaty by the end of it,

Shadowclaw left Foeslayer to do her thing. he walk out of the igloo into a beautiful snowfall looking up he saw the three moons. each in its half or crescent face he smiled Shadowclaw appreciate beauty. even if other nightwings saw the ice kingdom as a frozen wasteland Shadowclaw didn't see it that way,

He saw the beauty of the snow. the frozen trees and the grand castle of ice in the distance. if the peace went over well he could visit this place anytime he wanted. long as he wore the armband so the great ice cliff wouldn't try and kill him,

One of the other negotiators came out too. he seem somewhat exhausted from trying to negotiate with the icewings. Shadowclaw chuckled "what's the matter Answerbringer? The icewings being too stubborn?" He asked as Answerbringer yawn,

"A little yes. but I think I things are starting to turn. shadow we can only hope we can show them we want peace as much as they do." Answerbringer said as he asked. "why are you out here Shadow? Doesn't the cold of this kingdom bother you?" Answerbringer asked as Shadowclaw point to his armband,

"My body heat stays the same. I'm not bothered by it I find this kingdom remarkably beautiful." Shadowclaw said as his fellow negotiator couldn't understand how he found a frozen wasteland beautiful. but left it at that and didn't ask why he left Shadowclaw to his own thoughts,

A few minutes later Radiance the icewing negotiator came out the igloo. she saw Shadowclaw looking out over her kingdom. she only knew what the queen had told her about him that he was extremely dangerous. even so he seem so at peace here could he really be that dangerous?

She decided to findout herself and walked up to him. he notice her approach from the crunching of the snow beneath her talons. he turn to see her his eyes were a beautiful teal color. "hey there miss negotiations going well?" Shadowclaw asked the icewing as she nodded,

"Yes they are moving along slowly but smoothly. I predict by the end of tonight the peace treaty will be signed. and we can escape this war between us for a bit." she said while Shadowclaw look her over a icewing with light blue highlights along her talons and wings. a very intelligent look on her face and eyes like a pair of beautiful icicles,

Radiance walk over to him lying down beside him. in the beautiful moon lit snowfall. "unlike my fellow nightwings who sees of all this as a frozen wasteland. I don't see it that way I see this kingdom for its beauty." Shadowclaw said as Radiance nodded. "yes the ice kingdom has a beauty like no other. if the negotiation goes well you could visit here way more and I could get to know you more. I'm curious about the nightwing's most lethal assassin" radiance said notching him gently he smiled to her,

"Oh? Curious about me huh? Well you're all free to ask any questions. about me you might want guess I can start with names my name is Shadowclaw." he said enjoying this icewing's company she was open to hearing his inner thoughts. "I'm Radiance so Shadowclaw you're an assassin right? Why go to a negotiation?" Radiance asked as Shadowclaw look up at the moons,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2024 ⏰

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