prologue: the brothers and sisters bonds we share

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It was quiet in the mud kingdom. a swampy kingdom and home of the mudwings. they made their homes in these bogs and mires

Queen Moorhen ruled the kingdom justly and wise. each mudwing more then happily serving their Queen and their families. even more so if they were a bigwing a title giving to the first mudwing to hatch in a clutch,

He or she was then required to help their siblings out of their eggs. a bigwing had many important duties for their troop. a troop was the collective term for a group of mudwing siblings from the same hatching. if a mudwing stood without a troop they would be sorted into a new one. no mudwing ever stood alone in the tribe always have your family at your back,

Bigwings were meant to gather food for their siblings. occasionally have them join the hunt by the bigwing's request. one act a bigwing always must perform is throwing themselves into danger. to defend their families from attackers. a bigwing's death could be absolutely devastating for a troop of mudwings. and a mourning ceremony was held if it happened,

A new clutch was inbound before the next new moons phase. the parents were Boulder and Cypress the tribe wasn't ready for how many eggs Cypress would lay,

Morning several years later,

Mudwing families were gathering with each other. among them were Evergale and his siblings. Evergale and Moss ran to get to their big sister who was also their bigwings Tigris,

"Hurry up Evergale! we can't be late or we are gonna get yelled at!" a mudwing who was evergale's brother said to him. as he hurried along behind Moss to reach the rest of their siblings,

They soon reach a big cinnamon colored mudwing who was their big sister Tigris. "hey there little brothers glad you could make it," Tigris smiled to them she knew they were late but she also knew Moss and Evergale was a bit slow,

"So what's going on Tigris?" Evergale asked his big sister. the siblings big wings,

"Just another training exercise nothing we can't complete together," Tigris said trying to encourage her brothers. while waiting the rest of her siblings the last 4 got there shortly after Evergale and Moss,

"Good we are all here now then," Tigris said greeting all her siblings. with brushing her wings against their wings,

"Tigris what is it today I know it's a training exercise but that explains very little you know?" Moss said to as Tigris she scratched the back of her head. "well it's because I don't really know at all. they just said gather your siblings so I did," Tigris admitted she didn't really know the reason to gather her siblings,

Later in the morning. a mudwing of high  status approached the 7 of them. "Tigris dragonet of Boulder and Cypress. we have a task for you and your siblings," he hand her a sealed scroll marked with Queen Moorhen's emblem. with that delivered he left as soon as he had arrived,

Tigris unrolled it rather uneasy for what it would say. "what does it say Tigris?" Said Moss Tigris talons was shanking. "Tigris?" Moss said worried. "we...we're going to war.." Tigris said as each of their faces looked pale with concern. "but we'll survive as this family's big wing that is my duty to protect you 6 with my life," Tigris said looking to her siblings,

It was a extremely heavy burden being the big wing in a group of siblings. Tigris needed to be ready to take a very big choice at any moment notice. she had read a bit further to see who the enemy was and to her horror it was the icewings,

Icewings were terrifying opponents with their icy scales their frostbreath they could kill you in seconds if not treated their whip-like tails and those awful talons that were like a collection of serrated blades but Tigris had no time to be afraid she had to be strong to stand by her siblings and make her family proud of her bravery,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2024 ⏰

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