Chapter 42: She's "sorry"

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"Azula...." Y/N started.
Her thoughts ravaged by scenarios. Azula just apologized, but- for what? She's done a plethora of things.

"For what?" Y/N let her inner thought slip out...
Azula doesn't break the eye contact she has with Y/N.

"For hurting you." Azula pants. She quickly snapped her head away after saying her piece. Gripping the rail tightly, like she was preparing for a slap to her face.

First Person:

Azula...She's sorry?

She's sorry?


It's like looking at a sad little candle. Everything once bright and powerful about her was...watered down. Slowly dimmed. She looks like she was in mourning, whats wrong with her? She looks like a beaten puppy, her dandelion eyes look withered. Is she truly remorseful for what she did to me?

"Do you remember...the tea?" Azula cuts out my thoughts with an intrusive starter conversation.

The tea, I remember very clearly. Sending me back and forth to the kitchen to get "hotter" tea.

"How could I not?" I roll my eyes.

Azula's damn eyes met mines again. Why does she look at me like that?

"...To be quite honest I burned the hell out of my hands and mouth when I drunk the teas you prepared..." Azula chuckled.

She laughed....not maniacally...but showing her pearl white teeth as she slightly covered her mouth with her slender pale hand.

"So then why did you keep asking for hotter tea??" I huff, clearly frustrated.

Azula repositioned herself to where her back was against the railing, now both elbows being pushed behind her.

"No idea." She blatantly answered.
"But...if I were to guess. I wanted a reason to get you away from me- but closer, at the same time." Azula reasons.

Flashbacks to when Azula said she loved me, regretfully infiltrated my mind.

"Can I- tell you a secret?" I whispered.
It was like waving a piece of meat in front of s dog. Azula perked up and immediately followed with a "Yes."

"The palace...wasn't- terrible?" I flinch. Sure it was hell on Earth. But it could've been worse, I had a lot of memories...

Azula smiled softly, "That feels good to hear"
Oh god

My chest started pounding, and my palms were getting sweaty. Like time just stopped, she was all I could look at. I didn't want to look away, I didn't want to snarl, I didn't want to snap...

I want to look at her


"COVER THE PRINCESS NOW!" One of the guards shout.

Feeling like an explosion the ship rocks violently as the ocean starts beating against the vessel.

"Whats going on?!" Azula rushes towards the general who was onboard with us. Leaving Luka and I gripping onto the railing trying to find balance.

"The avatar and his friends found us your highness!"


What do they want? They gave me back to Azula in spite of my pleas not to...

She didn't hurt me, but they don't know that...

I look up to find the source of my name being called, and I see the large sky bison in the clouds.

On top of Appa, I see Katara manipulating the ocean to assault the ship. Katara gracefully dancing with the waves and harshly rocking the boat made most of the crew fall off.

and then I see....

Ponytail boy? But he grew his hair out...10/10 character development to be honest...

But wait- why is he with them? Last time we met he was trying to KILL them??
It looks like he's helping them...
So they get upset at me for "teaming up" with the enemy, but make buddy buddy with the guy who literally burned down my village?

"Y/N! We got you!" Aang shouts as he flies down.
Azula tried to stop him from getting closer to the ship, but following after Aang was Toph and she quickly wrapped Azula up in the metal surrounding the ship.

"Aang! Stop this!" I shout, peering over at Luka who was almost overboard. Aang frowns in frustration and reaches for my hand.

"Y/N we're here to save you!"
"Aang! Stop! Tell everyone to stop!" I shout.

With contemplation, he signals Katara to stop shaking the boat, and for Toph to unwrap Azula. The rest of the group jumps down from Appa, still looking ready to fight.

Azula, in a blind rage. Fires up her palms and rushes towards Aang and I.

"Azula!" I shout. Her ears perk up as she starts slowing down and comes to a full stop, looking at me with confusion as she hesitates to let down her palms.

"Why- are you all here?! What do you guys want???" I snatch away my hand from Aang, and walk towards the middle of the deck.

"To take you home!" Sokka pockets his boomerang and walks closer to me.

"That's rich, in case you geniuses haven't noticed. We're on the route to Funiku!" I shout blindly, watching everyone raise their eyebrows in astonishment.

"What? I don't get it?" Toph crosses her arms.
"Y/N...why are you headed back with Azula?" Katara questions..

"...and Luka" Luka points out.

"She's taking me home!" I state. Azula holds her head down and walks closer to me.

Sokka starts reaching for his boomerang as Azula stands next to me. Both Azula and Sokka were face to face sharing an angered staring contest.

The rest of them gasp.
"Is that true?" Zuko comes from behind Katara.
Looking at his sister expecting an answer, but before she answered, I responded. "Yes"

"Zuko...why are you here? I thought you were banished? Why are you helping these sad little "so called" benders?" Luka chuckles, earning daggers from the benders traveling with Aang.

"Thats none of your business Luka..." Zuko responded a lot harsher than he normally would considering he's his ex's cousin.

Suddenly, Azula pushed my shoulder out of the way and shoves Sokka to the side. Aggressively, she walks closer to Team Avatar and places a hand on her hip.

"Let's cut this short, my patience is running out and you just threw a couple of my men overboard. You have 3 seconds to get off my ship. You're not getting Y/N back. Your time here was worthlessly exerted, you came here for no reason what so ever. If it happens that you are on my sloop after 3 seconds, I will kill you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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