Chapter Fifty-Eight: Date Date Date

Start from the beginning

Axel enjoyed action-y stuff like that. In the dark of the theater, a hand found hers and kindly wrapped the fingers together. They both seemed to laugh at the dumbass, cliche lines spat by characters in the passionate heat of exchanged fists.

Their final venue for the evening, and the second place that seemed befitting of the dresses, was a Dance Hall. Axel stopped unsurely before it, plucking at the dress awkwardly.

"I didn't know you liked to dance."

"I'm very much into general exercise," Enayai responded. "Most of us are."

"Most of you?"

"Me and my friends. Of course, we all have our preferences. I'd be one of the dancers of the group."

"You don't seem built for delicate ball dancing," Axel snorted.

Enayai's eyes shone at the challenge. Without another word, she steadied her legs together, pulled her arms up above her head, and did the single most impressive half-ballet half-ballroom dance Axel might've ever seen.

"I'm like the wind," Enayai laughed as she twirled circles around Axel, finishing it off with an attitude. "I move fluid, fast, and torrential."

Axel's heart fluttered.

"Come on!" Their hands were taken up again, and Enayai dragged Axel towards the front door of the dance hall. The brunette paid the concert ticket fee, but instead of heading to the hall that radiated noise, she pulled Axel off to the side down another hall and into an unused dance recital room with half-painted walls and ladders.

"This one's being renovated," Enayai stated, guiding Axel up the sweeping curved stairs to the main stage. Lights glowed very faintly, courtesy of Enayai hitting the stage light button. Fingers intertwined as Enayai, much to Axel's surprise, roughly pulled the blonde close. She wrapped an arm around Axel's middle and began to guide her in a sweeping, dress-swirling, heartfelt dance. Enayai was humming under her breath, before finally her voice burst out in a beautiful song. They broke apart and Enayai took center stage for Axel.

If everything in life were as simple, Enayai sang as she did several pirouettes, the hem of her dress flaring out.

As the ease I find in loving you!

Enayai leapt backward, legs stretched out, and did a midair flip before landing on her toe and twirling once more.

Then life would be no challenge, darling.

But really, truly, honestly~! She leapt several times across the stage, before slowly ballroom-spinning in an arc back to her starting point, steadily raising her arms into the air. Life without a challenge isn't life at all!

So shall I enjoy this ease, and wait another day

Before the stress of wondering if you feel the same

Takes itself upon me? Enayai sank to her knees and then jerked back up to a stand, one leg stretched far out behind her like a classic ballerina pose.

Axel clapped as hard as she could as Enayai, only barely panting, eased back down onto two feet.

"You're a dancer?" Axel asked, moving forward so they stood in front of each other.

Enayai nodded right back. "Yep! I take classes in the Dance studio on the floor above this one. I've been in several productions. And I know more than just ballroom or ballet!"

"Oh really, what else do you know?"

Enayai pressed herself to Axel's chest. "Whatever you can think of, I can do with this body of mine."


"Well, look at you!" Kiria giggled from where she sat on the couch, Asuiri lying his fluffy blue-haired head in her lap as his girlfriend read aloud to him from one of her magic books. He leaned his head back, jutting his jaw into the air, and also looked at Axel. The blonde had the biggest, cheesiest, most dreamy look on her face.

"You look like you saw some penguins!"

"Ha," Axel sighed. "Yes. I suppose I've found my own penguin."

Kiria closed the book and Asuiri sat up, stretching and listening as his spine popped several air bubbles. Axel realized he was still here and put her hands on her hips. "Why are you still here?"

"Why not?" Asuiri yawned. "I wasn't doing nothing bad, I promise, onee-chi."

Axel blinked several times. "Ahhh?"

Kiria had turned bright red and smacked Asuiri's arm stubbornly. "Asuiri! That's a bit ahead of yourself, isn't it?"

"Well, I love you, and Ax-chi's like family so I see nothing wrong here," he ditzily answered, rolling off the couch and hitting the floor with a thump. He somehow managed to sit upright faster than an eye blink afterwards, though.

"You're too cute," Kiria's blush dimmed down a bit but did not entirely fade. "So how was it, Axel?"

"Amazing. She's a dancer and a fighter. She's intelligent and really, really hilarious. She promised a second date. I still hate the nickname, though."

"Red Tomato?"

"Yes, that," Axel grunted. "If anyone in this family is a tomato, Kiria, it's you."

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