In the rainforest. Moonblader, a young nightwing, was in preparation of leaving her parents to go to Jade Mountain Academy. Along with her big sister, Heartbender,
"You'll do good there, girls. I can guarantee you that!" Their father Abyssdrifter, said encouragingly, "Just remember to follow the rules. and stay out of trouble," said their mother, Nyx, sounding a little concerned. But Moonblader and Heartbender agreed to the terms and affectionately hugged their parents, goodbye.
Heartbender did go to the tall tree near their home. to get her pet a oily black dragonbite viper, but her mother grabbed her arm and said, "Wait, Heartbender, sweetie that might not be such a good idea. bringing your viper, don't you think that's a little dangerous?" Nyx was clearly concerned about other dragons. She knew Heartbender knew how to handle her pet but not how other dragons would react.Heartbender nodded; she could see the logic in it. "I understand, mom, but I'll still say goodbye to her. I don't know how long I'll be away," Heartbender said as Nyx let go of her arm, letting Heartbender say her farewell to her black dragonbite viper.
It was touching to see Heartbender be this way. so emotional with her pet, it coiled up her arm and nuzzled her snout. This viper that Heartbender had raised from an abandoned egg was special much more passionate then its kin.
It was not easy for Heartbender to let go of her viper. but the rules were the rules after all. Nyx and Abyssdrifter saw them fly off to Jade Mountain Academy to start a brand new life for them.As they flew, Moonblader couldn't help but notice the look on Heartbender's face: "Hey. Heart, are you okay? It couldn't have been easy to say bye to your pet," Moonblader said, trying to be as sincere as she could. "I'm fine, Moonblader; I'll miss her, but I'm sure it will be fine. I have you, little sis and potentially a bunch of friends in the future," Heartbender said, flying closer with Moonblader.
As they were flying west, the sun started creeping over the horizon. They could see a discernible image of Jade Mountain and its bizarre, spire-like tips, casting immense shadows over the landscape below them. The girls glided down to the entrance, seeing other dragons going that way, assuming it was the right way, and they were right; it was the entrance.
Heartbender went first, followed by her little sister, as a bright yellow sandwing greeted them, "Hey there! I'm Sunny. one of the dragonets leading Jade Mountain Academy, though Tsunami would have you thinking otherwise," Sunny said to Heartbender and Moonblader."I'm Heartbender one of the dragonets of Abyssdrifter and Nyx, and this is my little sister, Moonblader," Heartbender said, freeing Moonblader from her responsibility of introducing herself. to Sunny, and she just waved to the sandwing kindly and shyly.
"Abyssdrifter and Nyx did mention you two wanted to enroll. We'll happily have you two as students," Sunny said to them as the three of them walked into Jade Mountain.As Sunny handed them their bags and their introduction scroll,
As they walked to meet new dragons and their potential friends and clawmates, Moonblader opened the scroll from Sunny and began reading it out loud to Heartbender."Welcome to the Jade Mountain Academy!
At this school, you will learning side by side with dragons from all the other tribes, so we wanted to give you some basic information that may be useful as you get to know one another.
You have been assigned to a winglet with six other dragons; the winglet groups are listed on the following page.
Thank you for being a part of this school. You are the hope of Pyrrhia's future. You are the dragons who can bring lasting peace to this world.
We wish you all the power of wings of fire!" Moonblader finished reading as she looked up at her sister. and Heartbender had a smile on her snout,"That's a really uplifting way to welcome us to Jade Mountain Academy, Moonblader. Sunny must have written those scrolls herself," Heartbender said, looking at it while walking beside Moonblader.
Soon enough, the two nightwings were assigned a winglet. Moonblader was in a new winglet; they had formed the Diamond winglet. meanwhile Heartbender was placed into the gold winglet. It was sad that Moonblader and Heartbender would be separated, but they would still see a lot of each other.
Moonblader's winglet were all dragons from different tribes. first time without Heartbender, she was too shy to speak with any of them. but she did notice the skywing dragonet was kind of small at her age; she should've been Moonblader's height, but she wasn't.

Sisters of night
AdventureThe tale of two nightwing sisters starting their new lives as new students at jade mountain academy