One-Shot no. 69: iTell N.E.R.D Camp

Start from the beginning


After 2 hours of being stuck in a bus that actually takes you from Seattle to this nerdy place, I finally made it! Even though I had to watch and old man clip his toenails with his teeth and have an old lady randomly smelling everyone on the bus and telling us what we smell like. I apparently smell like fresh linen and plastic. I was sadly her favourite smell. 

I walked inside the headquarters and dang, this place was actually cool. Jeez technology. I walk up to the front desk and ask for anyone who was in charge of the applications. She then takes me to a small vacant office with a young lady sitting there just on her computer. 

"Mrs Schneider, you have a client wanting to speak to her." Says the front desk lady. "Bring her in please Kayla." Ms Schneider says politely. Kayla guides me inside before leaving and closing the door behind her. "So sweetheart, when can I do for you today?"

I quickly grabbed the application from my back and handed it to Mrs Schneider. "I'm here for Freddie Benson's application." She just laughed. "Ah yes. That one was obviously a joke. I mean, Freddie Fish-Tickler Benson? Cute." I shook my head and disagree. "That wasn't his application. It was a fake one that I sent as revenge. I have his real application here." 

I handed her the application and she looked impress. My plan was working. "This is very well written. But I'm sorry Miss, you missed the deadline and we have no more available spots for him. There's nothing I could-" I cut her off. "WAIT!" She slightly jumps. So I guess I'm not all soft. "I have his report for his semester project. He designed an app called 'Mood Face' and it works extremely well."

I gave her Freddie's report for the 'Mood Face' app and her serious face turned into a pleased one. "I can see that Mr Benson is very intelligent with this stuff but like I said. I'm sorry but you missed the deadline. There are no more spots for him. I would try and fit him in but it'll be too late. We can only take 50 people. I seriously would bring him with us but there is no possible way I could. I'm sorry."

I knew there was no point on arguing with her. I just slightly thanked her and walked out of the office feeling all guilty. I can never do anything right. Great, now I have to take a crappy old bus home! Ugh what is wrong with my life?!


I finally made it home after another creepy bus ride. I collapse on my bed when my phone starts ringing. I groan in annoyance but pick it up anyway. Ooh Freddie! "Hi Freddie." I say with pretty much no tone at all. "Hey baby. Are you okay?" I just sigh. "I guess. Anyway, what's up?" I say trying to be a bit more happier. "Do you think you could come over? I could pick you up. Or I'll just come over to your's?" He asks sweetly. Does he not remember what had happened a few hours ago?!

"Nah, I'll come over. And I'll just walk. It's not that far of a walk. See you soon." I hear Freddie smile at the end... makes no sense, I know. "Bye cutie." I put my phone back into my pocket and start walking to Bushwell Plaza.

Once I get there, I walk through the lobby and thankfully, Lewbert was asleep. Ew gross! His wart! I run up the stairs and stop at the 8th floor. I reach apartment 8D and knock on the door. That's a first. Luckily for me, Freddie answers the door. "Hey beautiful." He says ever so sweetly and kisses me deeply. "Hey handsome." I say with a little cheerfulness. 

I walk inside the apartment, hand in and with Freddie and he takes me to his room. We sit down on his bed and just stare at each other's eyes. Dammit, they're so beautiful. Finally we snap back into reality and Freddie speaks up. "So, I got a call from N.E.R.D Headquarters." 

My head perks up. What?! "Really? What did they say?" I say in a surprised tone... I really am surprised right now. "Well, they told me that if I still want to go to their camp then I can. Then they gave me all the details for it and yeah." What the heck?! But she told me that.... what?! "Really?! That's amazing baby! So are you going or-" Freddie cuts me off my sentence. 

"I know you went over there and told them about how the other application was fake and that you were trying your hardest to get me accepted." I look down and just smile sheepishly. "How'd you know?" Freddie smirks. "Well for one, it was obvious you were in my room because when I came in here, my desk was on an angle and not aligned with my wall and that my report for my 'Mood Face app' was missing." 

I blush with embarrassment. "And that Mrs Schneider also said that she recognised you from iCarly because her daughter loves watching it. And that was also another reason why I got in, she said that you showed her my real application and my report but she also knew that I'm very good with the technology in iCarly." I just stare down at my shoes and pretend they are the coolest things ever. Freddie grab my chin lightly with his finger so that I'm face to face with him. "I cannot believe you did that. Thank you."

I blush and kiss his cheek. "Anything for you. I was just feeling guilty about it and even though I knew I was gonna lose you for the whole summer, I did what was right. And I was also scared that you'd find some other beautiful girl who is absolutely perfect for you and dump me to the curb and go on and date her." He kisses me deeply, not responding to what I've said. 

After 2 minutes, he pulls away and smiles. "I could never find someone as beautiful as you Sam. You're my whole world." And with that, I knew we were meant to be.


Yes I finally updated after so long! I'm actually pretty proud of it even if I do say so myself. Hope you guys liked it. Oh and I got the idea from another fanfic so the inspiration for this one-shot will be in the comments below. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-jeeesssiii ☯

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