Start from the beginning

"Because that's the kind of shit you pull." Diego said to Five as I look out the window that was in the room. "Where are the others?" Five asked Diego as I turn my head over to them. "They're not with you?" Diego asked five as I sighed leaning back in my chair some more.

"We'll find them." Five says muttering softly before looking at Diego "—How long have you been here?" Five asked Diego as I felt a craving for chocolate. "Seventy-five days." Diego said to five as I sighed "Excuse me, can you please get me some chocolate?" I asked one of the ladies in the room as she nods before leaving the room to get me some chocolate before she comes back in the room handing me a chocolate bar.

"Thank you." I tell her as she nods while I open the chocolate bar eating it before looking up seeing Five and Diego looking at me, "What?" I ask them as they just shake their heads at me turning back to each other. "Landed in the alleyway behind—." "Commerce and Knoxk." The two boys says to each other in unison as they just look at each other while I wrap the rest of my chocolate bar putting it in my pocket.

"You?" Diego asked five as I sigh leaning back "I got here this morning and so did she we just landed at different times." Five tells Diego while pointing at me "How'd you find me?" Diego asked five as five gently scoffed before pulling out the paper I read from his blazer pocket.

"Page 16." Five said opening the paper as Diego sighs leaning back in his chair while I just take the other half of my chocolate bar eating the rest of it. "Distributed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley." Five read out on the paper as he slides it towards Diego, while I hand my wrapping to the lady who gave me the chocolate while she throws it away.

"That's Lee Harvey Oswald's house. Care to explain?" Five said to Diego getting closer to him while Diego just looks down, "Let's just say Dallas Law Enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt to stop the assassination of...John F. Kennedy." Diego tells him softly as I look at him like he's crazy. "That's because it hasn't happened yet." Five told him as I just shake my head at Diego's stupidness.

"And it's not going to happen. Not on my watch." Diego tells five as I lean up in my chair sighing. "Diego, honey, I love you I do but you sound really crazy right now." I told him as he looks at me before looking back at five completely ignoring me. "Look, I've been shaving down the bars in my room. Another day or two, and I'll be out of this place, then I'm gonna stop Oswald and save the president. You want in, say the word." Diego tells five as I sigh leaning back in my chair.

"Dear god, my boyfriend's actually crazy." I mutter to myself running a hand through my hair. "Listen to me very closely, you gibbering moron. You are not going to do a goddamn thing." Five tells Diego softly so the people won't hear him, "Why not?" Diego asked five softly as well. "Because we have to stop the apocalypse." Five tells him as I raised my eyebrows at the sudden news.

"No shit. But that doesn't happen for another 60 years." Diego says to five as I sigh rubbing my temples trying to comprehend what five just told Diego. "Not that apocalypse. This is a new one. It followed us. I've seen it. Nuclear war, Diego, in ten days." Five tells him as I sigh *we have ten days to stop a nuclear war, just great* I thought to myself as I hear Diego laughing softly leaning back in his chair looking at five.

"And I'm the one they locked up, huh?" Diego said to five as five scoffs at him "Fine, I'll play along. What causes it?" Diego asks five as five leans back in his chair as well. "I don't know. Maybe some looney-tuned asshole with a hero complex tried to save the president and screwed everything up." Five says to Diego as I turn my head towards the window looking outside.

"So you're saying it worked?" Diego asked Five as five scoffs at him while I just shake my head at him sighing, "I saved the president?" Diego said growling softly looking around "I knew I could do it. Okay, okay I'll help you." Diego told five as five nods his head at him. "Thank God." Five said to him as I look over at him.

"After I save Kennedy. And then you swing us back a few decades so I can slit Hitler's throat off with a butter knife." Diego said as I looked at concerned "Diego sometimes you really concern me." I told him as he looks over at me sighing before looking back at five. "This is why you don't have any friends." Five tells him as him and Diego just looks at each other before five sighs.

"You know what? Guard." Five said standing up out of his chair pulling me out of my chair as well "My brother is plotting an escape. The bars of his room have been shaved down." Five tells the guards as I look at five like he's crazy. "What the hell five!" I yell at him as he just ignores me. "Piece of shit!" Diego said to five as he jumped over to table a little bit before getting grabbed by the two guards that was in the room.

"Look, this is for your own good, Diego." Five tells Diego looking at him as the guards pin him down on the table "No! Five!" Diego yelled out at him as I look at five like he's crazy, "Listen, my brother is a very sick man. I only pray that he gets the help he so desperately needs." Five says to the guards as a nurse walk into the room gabbing a needle into Diego's arm.

"No, please! Not the needle! No! No! No!" Diego screams out as I look at him with a frown while five moves down to his ear "Be back for you later, okay? Just... Well, nighty nighty." Five tells Diego as Diego eyes slowly closed as I move some of his hair from his forehead kissing it. "I'm so sorry." I tell him moving back up towards five.

As me and five was walking to this club Luther supposedly worked at it was now night time as I sigh rubbing my hands through my hair. "You really didn't have to do that to Diego." I say to five as he opens the door for me holding it open for me as I walk into the club while five walks in behind me, "Well, he was being a complete idiot." Five tells me as I sigh shaking my head as we walk over to where a lady was dancing on the stage.

We both sit down next to each other while five watches the lady drinking some alcohol the people gave him while I was slowly falling asleep in my chair, "She's too young for you." I hear a voice say as I jump a little startled by the voice looking over seeing it was Luther. "Nice to see you too, Luther." Five says to him as I sigh leaning back in my chair.

"What do you want?" Luther asked five as I looked over at him seeing that he hasn't changed one bit "For you to stop hovering like an ambitious stripper and sit down with me and Amelia." Five said to him as I looked over at him rubbing my temple. "Do not bring me into this." I tell five as I sigh leaning my head back.

As Luther grabs a chair from a different table sitting down next to five. "How long have you been here?" Five asked him as Luther looked towards him. "A year, thanks to you." Luther says to five as I rolled my eyes at Luther's behavior. "Boy, if five wouldn't have time traveled us out of 2019 we all would be dead by now." I mutter to myself sighing.

"I'm sorry, Luther. I know that couldn't have been easy." Five tells him as I just tune out the rest of their conversation falling asleep as I feel someone shaking me I open my eyes to see that it was five. "Come on, Luther was no use." He tells me as I sigh stretching before five grabs my shoulder blinking us to a house.

"Uh where the hell are we?" I ask him looking around as he sighs letting go of my shoulder, "we are at my new acquaintance house and his name is Elliott." Five tells me as I sigh nodding my head, "Yeah, uh, okay, I'm just gonna go in that room, goodnight." I tell five walking over to the room as I look into the room.

I see a huge bed as I sigh in happiness I just plop on the bed wrapping the cover over me as I feel myself falling asleep.



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