Garry Eggsy Unwin (Part One)

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You are a new recruit for Kingsman and are working alongside Merlin in the Tech department. You walk into a long white and gray hallway when a familiar face catches your eye. A handsome young man in a navy blue striped suit is standing in front of Harry Hart's door. "What the suck?" you whisper, "What is he doing here?" You recognized the familiar face. It was Eggsy.
It had been a year and two months since you last saw Eggsy and it was your fault that you hadn't seen him in a long time.
* You thought to yourself*
The last time I say Eggsy is when we jacked his stepbrother's car and drove it into a street light, whilst being chased by police. You felt guilty because Eggsy ended going to the authorities and you had ran away from all the madness.
You didn't know he got bailed out.
*Back to present time*
You held your IPad/clipboard up to your face and hoped that Eggsy didn't see you. When you held the clipboard up against your face you didn't see where you were going and bumped into Eggsy's shoulder. You cursed under your breath as you colidded with your clipboard.
After you bashed into his suprisingly muscular shoulder, you fell straight on your butt.
"Oh I am so sor-" Eggsy paused when he saw my face. "Y/n, is that you?"
"Yes Eggsy it is me."
Eggs hesitated for a moment, but pulled me in for a warm hug. You pulled away and starred right into his green eyes. Suddenly he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. Sparks flew around your stomach as your lips moved in sync. You cupped his face and started to cry.
"What's wrong?" Eggsy said
" Why do you like me?" You said
"Because you are smart, loving, and beautiful, and what happend a year ago was all my fault. When I lost you, I didn't know how to cope. You were all I thought about and I realised that I had feelings for you since we met."

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