chapter 4: the return of the queen of red scales

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Spitfire woke up to a loud roar. as she rub her eyes and hurried to the window. she was shock to see Queen Scarlet it was her the past skywing queen. the one dragon Spitfire feared so much.

She was real! But why was she here? Spitfire couldn't hear all what was being said. only angry noises from Scarlet and that she was holding a head of a rainwing. that looked suspiciously like Queen Glory.

But that was just crazy. there was no way Queen Scarlet could have killed Queen Glory. she was a tough rainwing and literally the one who gave Queen Scarlet a half malted face,

Spitfire felt completely incapable of moving. the sight of Queen Scarlet being alive was her worst fear. was her nightmare last night a warning?

Turtle put a talon on her shoulder. snapping Spitfire out of it taking her with him to the others,

Upon getting to Moonwatcher and the others Spitfire was visibly ill. she did not look like she was in any good condition voices echoing in her head. "you'll never escape me the skywings are mine even if I gotta kill Ruby for them to understand." Spitfire shook her head with everyone looking at her concerned,

"Uhh Spitfire are you alright? you don't look too well." Kinkajou asked as Spitfire didn't respond to her. Turtle tried and he put his talon on her shoulders as Spitfire flinched and backed away. "sorry guys I uhhh I feel like I saw a ghost. but no it wasn't a ghost it was a nightmare that has become reality." Spitfire said as her friends looked scared for her,

"What do you mean Spitfire?" Moonwatcher asked. "last night I had a nightmare of ex-Queen Scarlet. she was trying to catch me but the weirdest bit. is it felt too real. I hope I'm not losing myself" Spitfire said as Winter stroke his chin thoughtfully. "but why exactly are you scared of her Spitfire? She can't burn you because of that ability of yours." Winter said as Spitfire took a deep breath before speaking the truth,

"I'm afraid because my family are loyal skywings to Queen Ruby. and if Scarlet returns to the kingdom. it would mean a likely death sentence to all those loyal to Queen Ruby." Spitfire said as she hid her face behind her wings,

Turtle pat her back. it did make Spitfire feel a little better. her friends and winglet was by her side. but it was frightening to know Queen Scarlet wasn't dead. and worse that she might be plotting revenge,

Nonetheless the day went on as usual. but the voice of Queen Scarlet still buzzed in Spitfire's head. and she saw her anytime she closed her eyes for even a second. Spitfire was growing increasingly worried about her parents. who was likely unaware of ex-Queen Scarlet alive status,

During Webs's history class. Spitfire rise her talon to get Webs's attention. "yes Spitfire?" Webs said. "would it be allowed if I were to send a message back home?" Spitfire asked Webs seem a little disappointed she would skip the class. but had to see the reason in it. "well Spitfire sure if it's real important." Webs said as Spitfire ran out quickly to the sleeping caves,

Spitfire sat down at her bed. And begin to write an emergency warning letter to her parents. to warn them of Ex-queen Scarlet's return,

"Mom dad you are gonna think of me as mad. but I saw her today I saw ex-Queen Scarlet she's alive! And not only that she is furious at our Queen for replacing her. I think she is planning something. knowing that both of you are ex-soldiers I think she may want you dead. if she however gets back on the throne please be safe. sincerely your determined daughter Spitfire." Spitfire wrote and send the letter post haste. she then return to class after getting that off her mind,

The class resumed as usual. Spitfire's quick letter didn't slow it too much. most because she didn't bother with pointless text. as it was a very very important warning,

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 13, 2024 ⏰

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