Chapter 1: fate reborn as a red rose of vengeance,

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A rose is a symbol of love, death, companionship, and freedom. However, the dragons of Pyrrhia's underground had their freedom taken away by the arbitrator brothers - a group of five powerful nightwings who took control of the underground and denied entry to the surface. One colony, Blaze, was home to two siblings who didn't believe in the arbitrator brothers' promises of safety. This is their story, which has taken place over the last 40 years.

The underground was once in chaos, with dragons fighting each other from different colonies. The arbitrator brothers arrived and defeated the leader dragons who were causing the chaos, taking control of the underground center and becoming its rulers. At first, the dragons were happy as the rules stopped the bloodshed, but over time, the brothers became more controlling and ruthless, turning their rule into a dictatorship. Multiple rebellions rose against them, but all were defeated by the arbitrator brothers' champions - seven powerful dragons fiercely loyal to them.

One of the arbitrator brothers' sisters was engaged to a lone skywing in colony Blaze, but the brothers didn't approve and tried to break up the relationship. However, their sister objected and told them that she would marry the skywing miner and have his eggs. Despite being the highest form of government in the underground, the brothers were powerless against their sister. She was the grand arbitrator, the only light in the underground, but the brothers were still able to enforce some rules that she had to follow.

She was forbidden from making public appearances, even from witnessing her dragonets hatch her eggs that were sent to her mate. Her love was fooled into believing she had found someone else, and it saddened her to know how far her brothers would go to control her. However, she had to abide by their rules, or she would be seen as a traitor. One day, she hoped to tell her mate the truth, but for now, she could only hope he would care for her dragonets.

Deep in the mist of the underground, laid colony blaze, a home of skywings. There wasn't much at colony blaze, but the warden overseeing the colony, known as Soul, was the one to give out food rations to the whole colony. He also functioned as the colony's protector, even if he was loyal to the Arbitrator brothers. Soul was not as bad as other wardens, a moral right Nightwing,

In one of the homes at the colony blaze, two eggs were rocking back and forth. New life would soon spring forth in colony blaze. The father of these two eggs was incredibly protective over them; he was a skywing miner but was allowed by Brother Hallowtruth to be free from his duty till the eggs hatched, as they required body heat to hatch.

Hallowtruth was the one brother who didn't agree with his brothers about their sister's punishment to not make public appearances. He wanted to tell the father the truth but knew he wasn't allowed to, so he simply left with a single short message: "Hold on to the truth your heart holds." With it, the miner kept a close watch over his eggs.

The rocking of the eggs intensified, and hatching was drawing near! Skywings of colony blaze and friends gathered to witness new life coming to the colony.

Small cracks begin forming in the scarlet red and ebony black shell just before the eggs crack fully open, with two small Dragonet hatchlings clawing their way out, a healthy male and female with no fire scales in sight.

The female was a brilliant shade of blood red and night black but had no starry wings; she was named Fate; her brother was more black; then she was his talons were red; his head was a mixture of red and black; he was named Faux. For the next few weeks, their father would care for these dragonets, seeing his beloved grand arbitrator in their black scales.

The miner watched his young charges grow together; they were twins in some ways, although they looked different in appearance. There did come situations where their father had to step in to protect them.

They managed to form a sort of friendship with the warden, Soul, and he was always pleased to see the two of them at his guard post.

Fate and Faux were inseparable wherever they went; they went together. The two of them were content with their underground home; nothing bad was happening, but during their third hatching day, a loud crash was heard from the cave ceiling, and a large chunk of the ceiling fell over colony Pearl and sunlight shone through the hole.

The light placed a thought in the siblings that there was a whole other world just above them. They went to Warden Soul to ask him about it while their father worked in the mines.

Fate poked Soul as he turned to see who it was. To his delight, it was Fate and her brother Faux. "Ah, hello, you two. What brings you to my guard post? Any trouble around the colony?" Soul just assumed they were here to report a problem to him, but they shook their heads.

"No warden Soul We saw something interesting over colony pearl. beams of light from above! We wanted to ask you about it." Fate said as her brother nodded curious if their warden knew anything about it.

"Ah yes, the old legends of the surface. a world apart from ours old folktales say we originally came from there. before the arbitrator brothers ordered us to go to the underground for our safety." Soul told them as Faux asked, "for our safety? Why was that?" Soul shrugged at the question, "Beats me. I honestly don't know why we were to retreat to the misty dark of the underground. but the arbitrator brothers are all wise; we simply have to believe they want the best for us. my young friends." Soul said, patting their heads with a smile,

Faux and Fate didn't get the answer they wanted. but it would have to suffice for now they returned home. Their father was back. but very bruised and beaten. He lit up upon seeing them. however they noticed his bruises before he painfully embraced them.

"Dad. who in the moons did this to you?!" Faux said in a concerned way as their father smiled at them. hiding his pain. "Just a cracky skywing I got in a fight with over an argument at the mines. Nothing you two should worry about," he said. Fate and Faux looked at each other with great worry.

"Enough about my bruises. you two come. it's that time the Firecracker will grace us with her radiance!" Their father said excitedly as the two dragonets. accompanied their father to the square, where a large stage was set up.

The Firecracker was a masterful skywing dancer, dancing with fires sparking with each step. She was someone the two dragonets had witnessed year after year.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 16, 2024 ⏰

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