The preparation for the assault on Queen Burn was ready. Diamondback could finally have her payback for what Burn had put her through. especially with the fake accusations she had put on Diamondback to turn her war sisters against her.
Yet Ouroboros still stayed quiet. Diamondback had enough of his silence and spoke out loud when she was alone. "Okay, enough with the silent treatment, Ouroboros. out with it, why have you stopped speaking to me?" Diamondback said in the dead of night. before the assault, "Diamondback, you clearly doesn't need my advice. Even when I try, you ignore me for other dragons instead," Ouroboros said as Diamondback chuckled. "Are you jealous that I rely on Thorn more then you?" Diamondback asked; she sensed he was jealous. Maybe while he was alive, he only relied on himself.
"I'm not jealous!! What a ridiculous thing to say. But you need to learn to rely more on yourself than on those so-called allies of yours. One or more of them might betray you one day." Ouroboros said Diamondback brushed him off. It was nonsense; he didn't know Thorn or Cactus. He didn't know their hearts."Why? Why do I need to cut myself off from them? Give me one reason why Ouroboros," Diamondback said, as Ouroboros didn't say anything for a bit but then. "Because my bracelet is more then power. It's a death curse too. The more you use the strength of my bracelet, the closer you get to an early death. My spirit is all that keeps you alive, Diamondback. But I can't cut myself off from you anytime I want," Ouroboros said as it fell heavy on Diamondback that he was right. Technically, Diamondback had been killed once before, but she didn't die; that was Ouroboros's doing.
"Is there a cure for this death curse, Ouroboros?" Diamondback asked hopeful "There is. but I'm unsure if you deserve your freedom. Will you remove the bracelet if you find the cure? Will you separate our link? If you do, I'll die for good," Ouroboros said as Diamondback thought about it for almost an hour.
"No, if I find your cure. I would take it, but I wouldn't remove the bracelet. I've grown fond of having an ancient animus sandwing's voice in my head," Diamondback said, but then added. "But then we are partners Ouroboros. and not soldier and master deal?" Diamondback said as she could hear an amusing laugh from Ouroboros sounding happy,"Thank you Diamondback. yes we are partners I'll not give you silent treatment anymore. and better after the assault I'll tell you where to find the death curse cure," Ouroboros said as their conversation was over. and Diamondback ran off to Meet up with her war sister Cactus and leader of the outclaws Thorn,
"Are we ready?" Thorn asked Cactus "yes Thorn. my war sisters have done their part they are ready to fight in one word. Ouroboros Queen Burn won't know what hit her," Cactus said as she saw Diamondback approaching "Diamondback! Glad you could make it. we are ready to start the assault as long as you are ready to assist," Cactus said as Diamondback flash the bracelet. "I'm ready to get my revenge and get my mother back let's go Cactus and Thorn," Diamondback said as they started the assault on the sandwing stronghold,
The assault already had resistance at the gate. lots of sandwings were ready to fight them. but in their ranks were Cactus's war sisters ready to attack Burn's dragons when the key word was spoken,
Burn came out from the stronghold. looking incredibly angry about the suddenly appearance of attacking dragons. "so the traitor returns. with new allies!! here to kill me Diamondback?" Burn asked as Diamondback could feel the anger boiling in her blood. "don't let her words get to you keep calm Diamondback," Ouroboros said as she breath deeply. before answering "yes Burn I'm here to kill you. for the pain you put me through. especially when need I remind you. I only tried help protect you but you labeled me a traitor for no reason! was it because of this?" Diamondback said flashing the bracelet of Ouroboros, "the bracelet of legendary animus Ouroboros ? Why were you so afraid?" Diamondback said looking very spiteful at her formal queen,
"You don't know the legend himself. I suppose I can tell you since you won't be around for much longer," Burn said her smile made Diamondback a bit uncomfortable. what did she know that Diamondback didn't ?

Grains of Sand
AdventureThe epic tale of the once former royal body guard Diamondback turned survivor turned new head of the talons of power,