Ash flew with her father General Cormorant and her mother Lieutenant Kindle. soon enough Ash could see the skywing encampment with well trained skywing soldiers within no doubt,
"Better then you had anticipated Ash? This is our encampment our home base a home away from home any sort thing you wanna call it I sincerely hope you and my soldiers will get along well" General Cormorant said as he saw the excitement on his daughter's face,
"I definitely will dad! I have proven myself a great warrior and I can't hardly wait to meet everyone what will we do fir—" Ash was interrupted suddenly,
A war Horns were sound as they approached the camp. the three touchdown as General Cormorant look up to the sky and saw white scales and raised his voice loud and clear,
"Icewings!! Troops on your post immediately!! Strike them back don't let em pass us! show em how hot our fire burns!" General Cormorant commanded as he dashed off Kindle and Ash close behind him,
Skywings took to the sky where they knew they had the advantage. burning the scales on the attacking icewing forces,
"Commander Spire report!" General Cormorant demand as the near yellow skywing saluted him. "General this squadron of icewings are weaker then the last. it's clear to me that the icewing commander is growing desperate. it might be our chance to finally end this," Commander Spire said with full confidence in his voice,
"Good. it's time then Kindle, Ash form up with me," Kindle nodded standing by her mate and Ash followed suit they lunched into the sky of battling skywings and icewings,
Ash nimbly dodging between ice blasts and claw swipes. Ash saw what she assume to be one of the squadron officers. claws outstretched Ash flew at high speed and swipe a clean strike across her chest. the groan of pain confirming her hit had connected,
Ash's claw was stain in blue icewing blood. the squadron officer came at her full of rage but a enrage dragon was predictable,
Ash unleashed a beam of flames at her. the second she open her jaws for a ice blast stopping it entirely. as the officer was still recovering from the blast of heat Ash smack her down to the ground with her tail and touchdown to finish the fight with the officer,
Lieutenant Kindle and General Cormorant kept the other icewing soldiers from reaching Ash. they were full well aware if the one giving orders were killed the others were forced to retreat,
The officer coughed from the blast of heat. she got from Ash the attack she used was something she learn from watching arena fights. it was a key way to assure a icewing didn't kill you immediately,
Officer got herself ready again. probably learned from her mistake, "such a young skywing how could I be caught so off guard. let's dance dragonet" the icewing rushed at Ash. as she looked for an opportunity while dodging the officer's strikes,
Ash strike the officer's face making her bleed. it seem to make it harder for her to see, "in the name of my queen retreat! You'll not take this encampment!" Ash said ordering the officer to surrender,
"Never! I'll destroy you before I suffer the indignity of surrender to a skywing!" The officer roared spitting out a blood soaked fang,
Apparently Ash had hit her so hard it had broken some of her teeth. it felt weird to feel some sympathy for a enemy soldier. Ash put the feeling of sympathy behind her either the officer gave up and retreated or her blood would be on Ash's talons,
Ash slash her talons arming for the officer's throat. it was deflected as the officer Slash at Ash's armor creating marks in it. the icewing officer's assault was just continuous attacks. it was difficult to defend against her but Ash's father and mother was busy keeping other icewing away from Ash's fight,

On wings of burning embers
FantasiaFlight in journey into the mind of the former Dungeon guard of the skywings Ash as she finds her true calling and answers the call of destiny