"What about her?"



"Mingyu, I swear to God."

Jungkook is grateful for the brief reprieve as he plops down on the couch encircling the table, and Mingyu pauses from his continued pestering to order them a round of drinks. However, it is short lived as the server leaves and Mingyu turns to Jungkook with a smirk quickly growing on his face.

"How about him?"


"What?" Mingyu sighs, squeezing onto the couch beside him. "He was clearly making eyes at you."

"Oh my God." Jungkook allows his face to fall into his hands as he shakes his head, hoping that perhaps this will erase the pounding headache that has already begun to throb through his skull.

"Don't know why you're so touchy, it's not as if you've never hooked up with a guy before," Mingyu mumbles, reaching for the peanuts that decorate the tablecloth and leaving Jungkook speechless.

"That isn't--I didn't--I don't know--" Mingyu smirks at his flustered state, complete with the red hot cheeks and fury in his eyes. Jungkook can barely manage to shove his friend over before he jams his hands into the peanuts and he begins munching on them himself. "What are we even doing here, anyway?"

"I'm hurt," Mingyu pouts, "I thought you liked hanging out with me."

"I did. Before you got it in your head that I'm some lovesick idiot."

Mingyu snorts, jostling Jungkook's shoulder a bit as he leans back against the comfortable couch cushions.

"You are a lovesick idiot."

Jungkook rolls his eyes, exasperated.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" When the waiter returns with their drinks, Jungkook falls quiet. Before Mingyu can say or do anything, Jungkook shoves his elbow into his stomach and nods to the waiter, passing him a tip before he walks away.

Ignoring the way Mingyu has curled up into a fetal position, coughing violently, Jungkook reaches for one of the many glasses the waiter left behind and downs a shot in one quick gulp before speaking again.

"I'm not interested in moving on."

"Why not?" Mingyu manages to say between coughs. "There are a million people who'd bend over backward just for a chance to see you, much less sleep with you."

Jungkook spares him a glance as Mingyu recovers and reaches for the liquor, wincing a bit as the bitter taste makes its way down his throat.

"I'm not interested."

"Oh come on, what was so special about this girl anyway?"

Jungkook swallows hard, avoiding Mingyu's eyes as he reaches for another shot. "I don't expect you to understand."

"Good, because I don't." Mingyu scoffs. "Why get hung up on her when you can have anyone else? Bonus points if you can find someone that isn't in love with your best friend and creates a rift between you and your teammates."

When Jungkook sets his empty glass down, it shakes the table, sloshing the liquid in the remaining glasses that spot the surface.

"Why do I even tell you anything?" Jungkook hisses, glaring at him viciously. Mingyu rolls his eyes, almost as though he were used to this kind of response from his friend.

"You know I'm right." Jungkook clenches his jaw, refusing to meet Mingyu's eyes as he turns to him. "I mean, look at how many people are here, look how many are already making eyes at you at this very moment! You can't find anyone else you'd rather be with than her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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