Rav Aluf

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The Urzik Rebel Fighter

Rav Aluf

Rav Aluf was a fighter in the Urzikstan, serving as Lieutenant, reporting directly to his best friend and commander, Amr Karim, Farah Karim's son and her successor as ULF's Commander. Together, they fought to protect, rescue, and free their country from a Neo Soviet occupation. Rav Aluf's father was a professor and his mother was a civil servant for her district in Urzikstan, both respected in their community. Like his parents, Rav has always sought to make something of himself, but grew up in a world of war-torn streets with death around every corner. Rav's life changed irreparably when General Fyodorvich's rogue army invaded Urzikstan and, in a matter of minutes, imposed their will, blanketing his hometown with ordnance and chemical gas. One minute, Rav was doing homework and the next, he was trying to escape rifles, gas bombs and capture. Too scared, Rav has always been haunted by guilt over his inability to render more aid. With the help of his friend Nadia, they attempted to escape, but were both apprehended and taken to a prison camp in Russia, despite having to withdraw. Losing his family, his home and his innocence, like many in his generation, Hadir and his friend Nadia grew up in prison without guidance, education or moral instruction. These events fomented a violent and aggressive streak. For Rav, warplanes, enemy tanks and checkpoints were a normal part of his daily life. One day, when he was a teen, Rav met a new prisoner, Amr Karim. They became best friends. When they were breaking out, they recieved reinforcements, the ULF, led by Farah Karim and a SAS team, led by Major Jonathan Price. After helping Amr lead a rebellion to break free from Fyodorvich's POW camp, he became a prominent figure and an influence on emerging combatants. Here, he shaped his personality and reputation as a hostile, cunning guerilla fighter. Because he was there when the shelling started, Hadir is viewed as someone to be trusted by his community and beyond. Left an angry and restless soul with the heart of a warrior, Rav learned to keep his cards, feelings and plans to himself, even if he finally recieved a little guidance, education and moral instruction by Farah and Rav's adoptive mother. Secretive, not through deviousness, but because he had to be to survive. Amr, Nadia and Rav see eye to eye on their ultimate goal – to liberate their people – but don't always align on tactics or strategy. Today, Rav is Amr's lieutenant, before Nadia, but differs with his friend philosophically when it comes to battle. Rav has never been beyond the borders of his country and often returns to his birth city to lead counter-occupation attacks. "I couldn't, because my dad and mum are buried here," he says. "I didn't want to be away from them. Now, it is time to go wherever we must, to achieve victory." Rav considers more aggressive actions to be a necessary part of liberating his people. His singular purpose is to defeat those occupying his land by any means necessary.

His looks:

Rav Aluf: I love my best friend, Amr- Even if he hates me

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Rav Aluf: I love my best friend, Amr- Even if he hates me... In that way we are not the same.

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