~ Important Author's Note (Pls Read) ~
First things first before I say anything else. Take a beautifully drawn picture of Polaris looking absolutely gorgeous and so incredibly stunning before you guys read.That art work of Polaris used at the top of this oneshot is by the lovely TheSillyGremlin / ~Evelyn~ on YouTube. So go check them out and subscribe in order to give them some love. Their art is incredible and it deserves all the love it can possibly get.
(Fun fact: the way ~Evelyn~ draws Polaris makes even me simp so that's saying something)
Other than that, I'll be completely honest with this oneshot here as a whole. I have no idea where the fuck I'm thinking of going with this. All I can tell you is that it's basically a date night with Sun and Polaris at the Black Cat.
However, this part in specific is the day before that said date night for Sun and Polaris. Basically both Sun and Polaris are anxious nervous wrecks for this date to the point of panic in a sense.
Anyway, when I get to the actual date night next part I have no idea where I'll go with that either. I honestly just wanted to write a date night for Sun and Polaris in general because cute and yes. Yet due to me having writer's block I have not a single clue or idea of what to write for that. So we'll just see what happens with whatever I come up with.
Other than that I hope this is good and I hope you guys enjoy it. ;3
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Polaris's POV ~
It's been a few days since Sun asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted. However the date Sun and I planned was suppose to be tomorrow night. So because of that I was now panicking mainly due to being nervous and anxious as this was our first date night together.
I was also panicking over what I should wear because I didn't want to wear my daily clothes since I wanted to actually look nice. I mean it's again Sun and I's first date and I had nothing to wear in my closet. At least nothing cute or pretty enough to wear. Plus I don't know jack shit about fashion I'm a damn daycare attendant!
That's when I thought Luna. She could help get me ready. I think she was at the manor Sun and Moon live in. In fact I don't think anyone besides her was home right now. So this was the perfect opportunity to ask.
With that I hightailed it out of my apartment and got a ride to the celestial manor. Once there I pay and tip the driver then head to the front door.
Once I was at the front door I started frantically knocking hoping she'd answer. Luckily she did.
Glamrock Luna: "Polar?"
Polaris: *in a fast panicked way* "Ineedyour help!ThedateSunandIhaveistomorrowandIhavenothingtowear!Idon'twanttowearthisbecauseit'sdailyclothessotheyaren'tformalenough!Ineednewoutfits!Cuteoutfits!PleasehelpmeandtakemeclothesshoppingsoIcantryonclothes!PleaseIjustwanttolooknice!"
Glamrock Luna: "Whoa, Whoa, WHOA!! Take a step back and breathe Pol! I can't at all understand anything you just said like this."
When she said that I do what she says and take a few deep breaths calming myself down at least a little but enough I can speak clearly.
Glamrock Luna: "That's it."
Polaris: "S-Sorry."
Glamrock Luna: "You're good. In fact, heh... I guess that's another thing you and Sun have in common. When you panic you speak way too fast that it's not at all understandable. Illegible even."

Polaris Oneshots and Smutshots Book
FanfictionSo this was actually a book I was very hesitant on making but decided it anyway. It's about my daycare attendant oc Polaris. 🎨Cover Art by: TheSilyGremlin/~Evelyn~🎨 ~ Contains ~ - My Celestial Brothers AU - Some Sun and Moon Show AUs of mine - Not...