Around 2000 years ago, in the magnificent continent of Pantala, lush greenery blanketed the land, pulsating with life. Four tribes thrived in this vibrant world, each living in perfect harmony with nature and one another
Among of the four tribes were the leafwings mighty hunters and master of camouflage in the thick lush forests and jungles of pantala,
They had an amazing skill known as Leafspeak allowing them to grow trees and plants with ease and speed and even communicate with nature if one was talented enough they could use leafspeak to its full potential but it was very rare for a leafspeaking leafwing to have such a strong leafspeak,
In the heart of the Leafwing settlement, within the grand Royal Palace, Queen Moonshadow sat protectively around a clutch of eggs, each one on the brink of hatching. King Oakheart, her devoted husband, entered the throne room, his gaze fixed upon the subtle movements of the eggs. Nuzzling his beloved queen, he settled beside her as they awaited the magic of new life.
Each egg begin to crack. revealing each of the royal's dragonets. one stood out however her scales being a more vibrant green then her siblings. with her secondary scales being gray instead of brown. she was given the name Venus a potential to be the heir to the throne one day,
The King and the Queen. was swift to put their heirs to the trial of leaves at age 3. a test that would showcase how strong their leafspeak was,
Venus was lined up with her 2 sisters and 2 brothers. along other young leafwings who wanted to undergo the trial of leaves,
Each participant was given a small tree sapling. and instructed to make it grow it with their leafspeak,
Venus's siblings passed with flying colors growing their saplings several stages. then it was Venus's turn "Princess Venus you are up! let's see if you house a strong leafspeak like your brothers and sisters." the trial instructor had said as Venus took a deep breath. she was already nervous but that commend did not help her confidence,
Even so she lifted one of her talons closing her eyes and focused on the sapling in front of her. all dragons around her was silent waiting, with bated breath for what would happen,
The sapling twitched. as the begin to grow even more so then the other saplings. the green soon became brown and not long after she started in front of her stood a young tree. when Venus opened her eyes she was in awe at what she accomplished,
The instructor skeptical walked over to the small tree. attempting to pull it from the soil. but found it roots had already dug deep into the soil. "roots! Well color me impressed Princess Venus. it's been long since we last saw a leafspeak that grows roots on their first attempt. not bad you might have the strongest Leafspeak among your siblings." the instructor said with a smile as Venus took a grace bow. before she and her siblings ran off into the forests of pantala to play,
The royal heirs found a good clearing to play in. as they played for hours Venus was a seekers In a game of hide and seek. she search for her siblings wandering the forest for them. calling out as her calls was meant with silence,
Suddenly a burly beetlewing dragonet rush passed her. knocking her over he seemed in a rush. then a young leafwing dragonet rush over to Venus. "hey! are you okay?" He asked as Venus turn to face him. as she saw him a deep dark green leafwing. with radiant glowing green lines covering his body,
"Yes I think so who are you? You look very interesting" Venus said as she get back on her feet. "oh my name is Yggdrasil! pleased to meet you. what's your name?" He asked as Venus smiled. "my name is Venus! happy to meet you too Yggdrasil." she greeted him,
"What are you doing. in this part of the forest?" Yggdrasil asked curiously. "I was playing hide and seek with my siblings. but they are just too good at it! I can't seem to find them." Venus said admitting she had no clue where her siblings were hiding,

Nature's Heart And Soul
AdventureA tale of the ancient king and queen of the leafwings of old telling how they met and about their thrilling adventures