Chapter One - A Friend in Need

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Any other day he would of sat idly in his bed, letting the sun glaze on the abanastor wood. But today, work had to be done. As Theatnir paced over to his study he put on his work robe and splashed his sleepy head with gold water from a silver basin. Theatnir was a wizard, an explorer and a old man. His white hair flowed down past his shoulders and his unkept beard tangled furiously under his chin. Suddenly, his cat Perkins startled him as he jumped on the shelf, knocking over the basin full of water. "Oh Perkins..." Theatnir said. "i have told you to be mindful of the basins you foolish feline". Perkins shook his fur, ridding himself of the water on him.

With shoes on and robe flowing roughly, Theatnir left his small house and cringed his eyes at the bright sun light. "Perfect day for picking wattle berries and fig plumbs" he said as he patted Perkins who was now stretching his limbs as far as they could go. after a big yawn a stretch Theatner was off. 

Whistling as he walked he brushed his hands across oncoming leaves and oakwood branches. He loved being outdoors and loved walking the Eberdeen woods, especially by himslef. It reminded him of when he was younger, when he would cross cavernous mountains and perilous peaks. Now and old man, thatnir cherishef the simpler things, from the scuttling beatles to the singing birds.

Over a small hill he sore what he wanted. Lines of lucious green bushes each sprouting dozens of glistnerning berries. Theatnir whistled some more as he walked over to the bushes. "Not fully ripe yet, but the ywill have to do" he murmered as he began picking the beads of fruit off the braches and letting them fall into his wicker basket. Once the basket was full he turned around and began to go home.

A few metres from his home he saw a shaggy small figure sitting on his front porch. It was his friend Borit. Borit was likened to a small walking dog. his hair which covered his body was more intruding then that of theatnirs. "Borit!," theatnir called as he strode over to his long time friend.

"Well there you are you Theatnir, i thought you would still be inside cooking a delicous breakfast of hoppers pouridge and toasted bakle weed"

"Indeed i will be indulging soon enough, i just had to leave shortly to get some special ingrediants for a potion i am to prepare this evening for Lord Gartwog.

Thatnir opened the door and Borit walked in. Theatnir's house was littered with books of all sorts, dozens of half finished anticdotes and potions and colourfull robes laying like corpses on the floor. " Maybe you should spend more time cleaning the place and less keeping Lord Gartwog out the pits of his own mistakes" Borit explained as he patted Perkins.

"A home is what you make it Borit, ive no time for petty things like cleaning"."Ever since Gartwog was appointted lord i have had to make a slew of peculir potions"

"Well before you ask wizard, i will not test out the potions, i still remember too clearly what happened last time"

Theatnir laughed. "never have i seen fur more yellow then that day my old friend."

Theatnir brought over a small cup full of hot nettle tea and handed it to Borit. "Now my friend, what brings you to my little home in the eberdeen?.

Borit looked down at his tea. "A matter of urgency im afraid".

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