Chapter 20: Wedding Bells

Start from the beginning

We ended up going with Katie's idea, but just bought one extra to show my bridesmaids, making sure they all agree with the dress. But of course, I don't even have bridesmaids yet... But! I think I have the perfect girls in mind to be my bridesmaids.

We got back and went straight to Amanda's makeup room, getting a manican and setting everything up. We called in all the girls we needed and had a tiny meeting discussing my wedding. After the meeting, me and Katie with Amanda's help had created her maid of honor dress.

After our little meeting, I spent the rest of the day with Mason. He shared the same excitement as we discussed the wedding. The date wasn't too long from now, and we had already created the guest list: the whole entire pack and a few others from the hunter association. After we discussed the wedding, we went into a deep conversation about a different ceremony, the Luna ceremony...

"So basically there's a few things we need to do at the ceremony and after the ceremony. But I promise you it's nothing crazy or scary or daunting at all. You're just going to need to have a few tweaks to yourself, such as ties to the pack. There's going to be a thing that's going to allow you to mindlink anyone in the pack. And then there's the whole big thing of anouncing you as Luna and minor things you don't need to worry about. It should go through smoothly."

I absorbed everything he explained and really thought about it. It didn't sound scary the way he told it, but I knew differently. I knew the facts from the books and I knew there weren't anything minor. With Mason, he tends to soften the blow. I don't even know myself how or why he saves people from the bigger picture but I guess it helps. He is my mate after all. I just hope we all get through the wedding so that we can make it through the Luna ceremony.

One month later...

Today's the day! The bells are ringing! All the bridesmaids are ready! The groomsmen are excited! The whole family is here, both sides of the family! My mom, Charlotte and Amanda as bridesmaids, Mason's family, and the whole entire pack. All eyes were glued to the unopened double doors that are just waiting to be opened to reveal the lovely bride. It'll only take one single push on the doors and everyone will be there looking straight at me. I am not going to back away. I'm certainly not going to panic, I know everyone that's here already so why would I freak out? I'm freaking out right now!

"Hey, what's the hold up, you alright?" Katie's voice snapped away my trance and I was welcomed back to reailty.

"To be completely honest I'm terrified. I've been waiting for this moment but I am still incredibly terrified!"

"I know you guys did rush into the wedding a bit, but that's okay! You guys are a great couple, and you'll be an even greater married couple! I believe in your guys' relationship!"

"Okay... Send the flower girls and here I come!"

I felt the excitement rushing through me again as my confidence started to build up, turning into adrenaline. I wasn't sure how long I would keep this up so I rushed myself a bit. I quickly pushed open the doors, everyone's eyes on me. Everyone's mouths were open, a few people here and there muttering a "wow." One look at Mason and I knew everything was right in the world. I was going to do this with confidence. Not too long before we say our vows and say I do. I can last. I can last. I can do this. I have to do this.

Would you quit that, you're starting to make me nervous here. And this is our mate in front of us. This is our fate, what we want. So quit making me nervous! My wolf chimed in. I knew she was right. I took a deep breath and stepped under the arbor. A couple minutes passed and it was time to say our vows.

"Mason. I vow to you that I will never ever turn on you. I will always be there for you when you need me. I promise I'll never do anything intentionally that will hurt you. I promise to stay by your side, even when things seem different, scary, impossible, or even just out of place. You're my everything and I promise to be your everything too."

"Evly. What we have is genuine. We're not here just because fate told us to. We're here because we love each other. I will always cherish this. Cherish us. I vow that I will be there to save you or to protect you. I promise that I will make you feel safe. When you're feeling sad, I'll cheer you up. When you're angry, I'll help you find that common ground. When you need a shoulder to cry on, I'll be the best shoulder you could've ever cried on. I will stay with you, for better or for worse. You and I'll be safe and sound. That's a promise."

Our vows will always be remembered. We knew we both meant what we said. We believed in each other. And everyone around us sees that at this very moment. They know that fate put us together so that we could share that spark, and then make it into something bigger and better. We are now married and I couldn't feel any happier. We had a big party, people went all out. People went crazy. But everyone felt our happiness and couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

We didn't leave to go on a honeymoon yet, because we decided we'd go after the whole ceremony that made me Luna. So exciting... More ceremonies. At least I felt happy with Mason. Not too bad. I lasted this long. Now I just have to make it through the ceremony, and the rest of the things that come with being Luna. I'm happy if Mason's happy.

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