(Timeframe: Season 3-4)
(A/N, 10/27: Had to publish an edit to change an @ for one of the users mentioned in this writing. Nothing else has changed!)
Poke paused and glanced down at her phone. An email sent out to all current employees. A quick tap opened it up to read that it was from her boss.
Important meeting in conference room C today at 3pm. Make sure you are there!
That was it. Nothing about what the meeting entailed, just that it was going to happen. She let out a sigh and shook her head with a smile. "Welp, guess my afternoon just got booked."
3 hours later, she made her way to the conference room. People of all sorts were coming in and out. Some Poke had met before, some she had not. She found the first person she knew, Penny, and jogged over to them. "Hey Penny. What do you think this is all about?"
Penny jumped upon hearing her voice and turned to see her. "Oh, hey Poke. Not sure. If it was about the resistance, the boss would've put that in the email. Guess it's something actually office related?"
Poke shrugged. "I guess so. Just feels like it'd be weird to have a meeting about actual office matters while all this is going on." She commented as the two stood outside the room. "Have you heard anything from the spies lately?"
"Nope. I think they report directly to the boss." Penny replied.
"Damn, that sucks. I haven't seen them in a while." Poke gave a small laugh. "I guess that's a good thing we haven't seen them though. Just means they're doing good work and not getting caught."
"Are we talking about the spies?"
Poke and Penny looked over at who spoke. "Oh speak of the devil. Hi Nayun!"
Nayun gave a small wave as she walked over. "Hey guys! I heard there was a meeting, and I slipped out for it."
Penny raised an eyebrow curiously. "I heard that security is tight around the resistance base... how'd you get out?"
Nayun shrugged with a happy smile on her face. "Told them I needed to use the bathroom, and left with another spy. The meeting said we all had to be there, so I didn't want to miss it."
Poke laughed. "Ah the old "I gotta piss" excuse. Surprised it worked for ya. How are they holding up in there?"
"Well, let's just say that if we invaded their hideout now it'd be a blessing for them." Nayun explained. "They aren't worried about water, but they're slowly running out of food. Paranoia's at an all time high too. I think the captivity is getting to them."
Both Poke and Penny winced. "Ouch." Poke said, quickly checking the time on her phone. "Well, we should probably head to the meeting now. Looks like it's about to start."
The three walked inside and took whichever seats were left remaining. Poke recognized some of the higher up members of the boss supporters here as well. FP was sitting right next to the boss, and Poke could see DPP and CPM among the group as well. A projector was shining light on a screen with the text "Team Meeting XX/XX"
Once everyone was seated, the plushie jumped up onto the desk. "Thank you all for coming. I'm glad some of our spies could make it as well. I know it wasn't easy for you." The boss said. "I've called you all here to discuss a problem that is rapidly rising throughout the office and I feel needs to be addressed." The boss leaned over to try and hit a button on their remote to change slides. They tried to hit it once, twice, three times before turning to FP. "Can you-?"
She quickly nodded. "Of course!"
FP leaned over to press the button to change the presentation slide. "Thank you FP." This slide had one giant line of text that read "POOR PLUSHIE MANAGEMENT".
A giggle was rapidly suppressed as the boss began to speak again. "As you all know, the punishment for going against office protocol is you are turned into a marketable plushie. However, as of late I've seen the plushies getting..." He waved to FP, who hit the change slide button.
Each slide had images that correlated to the presentation at hand. "Kicked." One of the resistance members (Poke could tell via the uniform) was punting a plushie across the hall.
"Choked." Someone, their face was obscured, was holding up a plushie by the neck.
"Duck taped." The culprit of this one was unknown, but someone had duct taped a plushie to the wall.
"And this only scratches the surface of the plushie abuse I've seen throughout the office." The boss explained as the slide behind him changed to a variety of other images taken as evidence. "This cannot stand." He said, extremely seriously.
Poke leaned her head so it rested on her hand as she continued to listen. "We do not know which one of your co-workers has the capability to feel pain through their plushie form. Some do, some don't. We should not assume. Therefore, to fix this problem, I will educate you all on the proper way to handle your plushie co-workers."
The boss waved to FP to change the slides. "First. Proper method of holding." The image on the slide showcased someone, FP by the uniform, holding one of the plushies over her arm. "We do not want to restrict the airway of the plushie. Nor do we want to cause any visual trauma of pinching limbs. Therefore, the best way to hold one of your co-workers is like this." The boss waved up to the screen. "Over your arms, letting gravity hold the plushie in place. Is this clear?"
A chorus of "Yes boss!" went around the room.
The slide changed. "Secondly. Do not throw, kick, or cause anything that may cause physical harm to the plushies. Even if they can't feel the pain, they can see what is happening at all times. Hurting them in any way could cause mental trauma even if they can't feel it." The boss explained. "And to the one offender who tried to fill a plushie with milk and slam it in the wall, that was a terrible idea and if I find out who you are you are fired on the spot."
Poke could see someone in the room shiver at the thought. Were they the offender? It wasn't her business.
"Lastly..." The slide changed one more time. "Remember that these are your co-workers still. If you spy anyone engaging in any kind of plushie abuse, I want you to report them to me immediately. Understand?"
Another round of "Yes boss!".
Poke couldn't tell if the boss was pleased by this or not because his expression hardly changed, but he gave a nod. "Very good. That is all I needed to speak to you about. You're all dismissed. Spies, I'd like to discuss a few things with you but the rest of you are free to continue your previous activities."
With that, everyone slowly got up from their seats. A smile had been plastered to Poke's face the whole meeting, just from the topic matter alone. The spies had moved over to where the boss and FP were sitting, and Poke could see Nayun moving that direction as well.
She got up from her chair as well once the room fanned out a little bit and slipped outside the room. Penny was waiting outside the conference room. "What'd you think of all that?" They asked, trying not to laugh.
Poke was trying not to laugh just as much as they were. "I think it was a very important meeting about a very serious issue." She said, waving them away from the room before they were caught laughing. "But I want to know who was the one who filled a plushie with milk. And which plushie that was."
"They better start running." Penny said, a grin on their face. "Once the boss gets them, they're totally dead."
People referenced:
Penny: r_ssuckz
Nayun: Yun_sanx
FP: fp_ami
DPP: DPPhere
CPM: b0xcub33.bsky.social

SMG4FanartistsOfficeAU Oneshots
FanfictionA book containing all my SMG4 Fanartists Office AU one off writings that I made! Twitter @s (or whichever social media they frequent) of the people whose OCs I used will be at the end of their respective chapters. I will also highlight the timefram...