In the foggy swamps of the dragon Realms. where giant fungi grew tall as buildings. stood a great mighty temple long the training ground for dragons. seeking the knowledge and teachings of the guardians,
The temple of the dragon guardians. was bustling with activity within the temple the elemental guardians dragons. who were masters of their elements. were testing young dragons to see if they were capable of handling the vigorous training of the temple's teachings,
Among the young dragons that were attending the trial of elements. one in particular stood out a brown and white dragoness. with blue wing membrane and blue horns. carrying intriguing markings on her back and shoulders. her name was Cronia. she had no clue what her element affinity was but aimed to find out today,
However nerves gnaw at Cronia's thoughts. and she look to her mother for guidance. "mom what if I don't resonate with any elements? or what if the guardians won't like me? Or what if—" before Cronia could continue her flurry of questions. her mother stop her putting a single claw against her lips,
"Calm down Cronia." she started "all of us have an element we resonate with. the element that's our affinity it may take time to find yours. but have faith that the guardians will help you through it. you know there is more then just the four today." she finished to get her daughter curious,
"Wait Really? There is more guardians then fire guardian Ignitus, ice guardian Cyril, electric guardian Volteer, and earth guardian Terrador?" Cronia asked as she was greatly curious now. as her mother nodded,
"There is still indeed more. though they can't all be presented at the temple. as the guardians do perform duties around the the dragon Realms. but let's save that for later go on Cronia join the rest of the young dragons. I'll waiting you out here with the other parents." she said urging Cronia to go into the temple and she nodded and dashed off,
Cronia entered what seem to be some sort of meeting hall. the room had a shiny green glimmering pool. young dragons were gathered in group talking likely waiting for the trial to start,
Cronia look into the pool trying to calm her nerves which were still a wreck. but she remained herself her mother's words. she had to find her element affinity Cronia breath and let her talons soak in the gleaming waters. while waiting with the other young dragons,
A bit of waiting and Cronia saw ripples in the pool. and out from a different entrance that led deeper into the temple. walked out the fire guardian Ignitus. he scan the room seeing all of the dragons who had shown up for their trial,
He cleared his throat before speaking. "welcome young dragons! Pleased to make your acquaintances!" Ignitus started as all in crowd of young dragons said in unison. "greetings fire guardian Ignitus!" It was a symphony of voices. Cronia was part of greeting the fire guardian though she kept her voice low intentionally. her nerves still getting to her a little,
"And a greetings to you all as well!" Ignitus said Cronia look up at him. she knew only a little about Ignitus from her mother's tales. he was once a strong and mighty general of the city of warfang. now passing on his knowledge to a new generation. if anyone here happened to be of the fire element Ignitus would be their mentor,
"Alright my young dragons. soon as the other guardians are ready everyone will move one by one into the next room. that's where your trial begins though it's only the four of us right now. don't be afraid if your elements ain't one of the ours. the other guardians will eventually arrive here." Ignitus explained as the group of dragon murmur among themselves. Cronia stood up to her full height,
As they waited. Ignitus noticed Cronia's curiosity to the banners adoring the walls. each depicting all of the known elements,
"Curious are you?" Ignitus said with a smile slightly startling Cronia. "Well yes sir i am. I have no idea what my element affinity will be. maybe I'm earth given my brown scales." Cronia said as he looked her over. "it's hard to say. with how mixed your scales are young one. what name do you go by?" Ignitus said as Cronia reach out feeling the banner representing the time. element which was a hourglass,

Tlos The Drsgon Destiny
AdventureTake a dive into the tale of Cronia a young dragon from the great city of warfang who discovered her element as one of the rarest and hardest to master many challenges awaits Cronia where will her journey take her?