4 - Nailed it!

35 0 3

Warnings: suicidal thoughts


Two was exhausted. For the past few weeks they had been deprived of sleep and tortured endlessly by One with barely any breaks. One took Two's hand using Bomby's body, and started pulling on one of their nails using pliers. It hurt. Blood was starting to pool out as she continued to pull their nails out. Two was sobbing loudly. It hurt so much. The pain was unbearable. Slowly but surely, it was pulled out, until finally, it was out. Two was in excruciating pain, but it was far from over. Very far.

One pulled out every single one of their nails one by one using Bomby's body, the pain unbearable. They couldn't even think with how much it hurt. All they could do was cry and sob as slowly but surely all their fingernails were slowly pulled out. Eventually the last one was out, and she let their now nailless hand go. Their hand ached with pain. It hurt so, so much.

"Wh- why..?"

"You already know why, Two. You made me do this to you."

The green, sleep deprived number didn't respond. They didn't have the energy to. They desperately need sleep, but One won't let them. She's forcing them to stay awake, even though it's been weeks. One suddenly grabs Two's leg using telekinesis. Two stares in fear and terror, before One quickly dislocates their knee, Two screaming in pain. Hot tears pour out of their eyes as they scream in agony.


"Oh, stop being so dramatic, Two. It doesn't hurt that bad."

Two was in absolute agony. It hurt so badly. One suddenly teleports out, leaving Two alone again. They couldn't get the images out of their mind. They could do nothing but think about everything. All the pain they were in, how their friends didn't care, how much they longed to die just so they wouldn't have to feel any more pain, everything that happened to them, everything rushed through their mind. They wished they could kill themself, but they couldn't.

No, she couldn't.


339 words

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