(Footnote:The following is on some and opinions on a few little things here and their.)
Howard came into my personal quarters well I was just flipping channels as he takes a seat next to me.
Howard: So how are you feeling now?
Ovalsan: oh Mixed on a few things there and their won't say what most of them are.
Ovalsan: well I have no interest in watching the Donkey Kong Country Super Nintendo World thing that Nintendo direct showed.
Howard: too much trouble to go there.
Ovalsan: with the language scene as well and also with Super Nintendo Land and even if I could those of my age would cramp that play style.
Howard: fair point.
Ovalsan: As for the SpongeBob specials Snow Yellow it's got to be the lowest blow I have ever seen them do.
Howard: So I heard.
Ovalsan: don't personally know if this will be the last Fairy Tail themed episode.
Howard: Can't never be too sure on stuff like that.
Ovalsan: Well Karen being the main villain was a nice change from the norm.
Howard: true if they could be a one time thing for those like you so later.
Then Howard leave my quarters and yeah I still can't find nothing good on.

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