Mark glanced up at him. "Only had so many hands."
Ron's moustache twitched. "Of course. And what about Seren's friend? Where're they?"
Gavriella's blade flashed as it split a creature diagonally before she leapt back to the group. "They left. Didn't say anything, just got up and walked out."
Seren's head snapped to her. "And you just let them? Didn't try to find out where they were going?"
"Far as we know they could skin us with a thought," Marine replied as he loaded a fresh clip. "And we did ask, they didn't reply."
Something glinted in the air above them and Alexa slung her rifle over her shoulder as she stepped out onto the road. "That's my ride. I'll keep them on this street. Though you guys should probably close that thing before I run outta bullets."
Osprey landed before her with metal wings spread wide. "Where we going?"
Alexa moved to let Min hook her arms under her armpits. "High. Need a good vantage point on the street."
There was a big flap and the pair took to the air.
Ron rubbed his mouth. "We need reinforcements, and police ain't gonna cut it."
Seren hesitated a moment as her eyes glanced at the silver form of ICARUS, still stood beside the opened orb. "You know who we need."
"Yeah, I do. But I don't think he has his phone on him."
The Green Lagoon,
Darktruth took a long swig from his Cyclops tiki cup. As he placed it down he glanced around the large table. "We totally deserve this, right?"
"We not only saved Krakoa, but took down the leader of some super secret, mystic assassin cult," Surge pointed out with a grin. "We deserve more than this."
"We should get medals," Mercury said as she leaned forward on the table, her silver finger stretching and drooping as she pointed it at nobody in particular. "Does Krakoa have medals? Do medals? Give us medals?"
"I don't think so," Bard replied as she looked the young woman over. "But I do think you're drunk."
Mercury's head snapped to her. "You're drunk!"
"Not yet," the old woman replied as she lifted her Magneto tiki cup and swirled the contents. "But I'm trying to get there."
Pixie's wings fluttered. "I just think we should all be super proud of ourselves. This wasn't exactly what the Paragons were meant to but... I guess it kinda was. We helped people and kept them safe and stuff. That's all I really wanted."
"You're making it sound like it's an end or something," Anole said as he put an arm around her shoulders.
She looked down at her drink as her mouth stretched a little. "It sort of feels like that though, doesn't it? Like there's something in the air or... maybe my soul?"
"Nope." Darktruth thudded the table, then flinched a little as the drinks atop it shook. "Sorry. But no, no talk like that from you. Pessimism is a bad look on you and makes you sound like me. Nobody should sound like me."
Surge chuckled. "Can't disagree with that."
"Is pessimism sexually transmitted?" Mercury asked in a hiss of a whisper that was louder than any whisper should be.

Paragons Vol 2
ФанфікиWhile Krakoa cements its place on Earth and in the universe beyond the Paragons focus on helping everyone they can. However, as much as Pixie fights to keep her team separate from the politics she's about to find out how difficult that is when nobod...
Issue 22- Not Human
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