Arielle Janaé Summers is a twenty-two year old young woman. Born in PG Maryland, raised in the busy, treacherous streets of Washington, DC. With a hardworking mother , and present but unpredictable father, Arielle grew up much quicker than those around her. Although Arielle was tough and dependable, she was still missing things every girl wanted. Safety, security, and attention. Often feeling alone and misunderstood, Arielle starts to search for her missing piece. Her family went to church, but everyone had struggles and sins of their own. Arielle had never saw what was coming to her. Would a female be the answer to all her problems? She believes it to be true when she meets Jai in middle school and they immediately become best friends. Jai was unlike anything Arielle had ever seen. Beautiful but masculine. A beast in a princesses body. Not just a masculine presenting woman, but a dom. Of course at such a young age to have such a personality she must have seen some things herself. Jai grew up in foster care with her brother after her parents died in a car crash. Being the oldest herself she understood how hard it was for Arielle to have to look after herself and be responsible for herself all the time. As their friendship progresses Arielle and Jai open up to each other. Jai sees the needs of her sweet innocent best friend and makes it her duty to give her everything she never had. Jai opens Arielle up to a strict, but pleasurable way of life. For them both to be so young, Jai was indeed very powerful and carried the energy even a thirty year old man couldn't emulate. Arielle's mother noticed early on the hold Jai had on her daughter. They were always together and when they couldn't be, FaceTime , texting, and talking on the phone always kept them close to each other. By the time they reached high-school Jai was knee deep in the drug game and had everything Arielle could ever think of wanting. Arielle was a good girl despite her struggles growing up and always tried to do the right thing. So after breaking up with her first boyfriend she did not expect Jai to claim her. Being with Jai came with a cost but she made it worth it. Jai was Arielle's first kiss, first fuck, and first love. Jai taught Arielle everything she knew. Jai gave Arielle structure, safety, and security. Arielle was trained and given a new purpose, and Jai had just what she wanted, Arielle. Their arrangement was short lived after Arielle's parents found out about their relationship. They were torn apart and things got very ugly between them . Arielle has never found anyone to replace Jai. Male or female, they weren't her. Nobody had the energy Jai gave to Arielle, and she had given up looking for it. Arielle faced so many emotions during the healing process but she always wondered what would happen if she saw her again.