Chapter 16: Experiment

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Ivya Arc

The battle had concluded the demon was destroyed nothing remained after the explosion besides some smoke

Pietro was left in disbelief and thought “(W-What the hell?....)”

“Hey Kai And Evie nice job” Lisa said Cheerfully and held her both hands for a high five

“Thanks I couldn't have gotten that win If it wasn't for you two” Kai said with a smile as he high fived Lisa right hand

“T-thanks but you guys did most o-of the work” Evelyn Stuttered but felt bashful as she high five Lisa

Pietro stood far silent  “(...Not only did he beat the demon)”

His hand became a fist and started shaking as he became angrier as he reflected in thought “(But I was pretty was useless…and that pissed me off more)”

Lisa then exclaims “yeah we're better and stronger when we work as Team”

“Tch..!” Pietro only muttered as he turned his head

“(I also had to be Bailed out by Both Evelyn and that mercenary scum over when I almost)” Pietro thought as he glared at Bruno with a mean look

Bruno noticed Pietro glaring at him and asking “Do you Need something?”

“” Pietro said he then turns away  from Bruno crossing his arms

“Okay…?” Bruno said he was confused but didn't care enough to dwell on it for too

Suddenly the people from the carriage come out of it and approached the group

“thank you for saving us, I almost thought we were Goners…” The driver expressed gratitude

“Thank Iris you arrived I wasn't ready to be with the Goddess quite yet” a woman said

“We are truly in your debt for saving us” a Father said standing next to his kid

“You guys were so Awesome especially the Red Guy” The Kid praised the group

“Thanks We're just glad you're all alright it seems” Kai said with a smile

“Yeah I'm glad Nobody was really badly Hurt” Lisa comments

The Driver then turns to the Passenger and says “I apologize for the Interrupt but now that It has been dealt let's move back on course”

The Driver and people get back into the Carriage as it's Heads North

The group watch the Carriage leave as Lisa says cheerfully “all wells it's ends well”

Bruno then says “alright now with that done with that's out cue to move along now we don't have all day”

“W-WAIT we have to walk after this….ughh” Evelyn falls onto her knees

“(This girl I swear…)” Kai thinks then sighs as he face palmed himself

“C'mon Evie the Faster we get there the sooner we there” Lisa states

“a-alright…” Evelyn sigh and got up as they all started

Pietro still stood still and was still upset

“Yo Pi you coming” Lisa called out to Pietro

“Yeah yeah” Pietro says as he catches up with the others

Meanwhile far away

A Plague doctor teleports Behind a Woman with a wyvern close to her with other Mages on wyvern overlooking a marching army from the hill

Record of Dawn:War of IrisiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora