Bad Luck Bulma?

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"So, Daredevil has been hanging out with Bulma a lot lately." Oolong said to Puar, accompanied by a very suggestive and hardy laugh as they walked down one of many corridors of Capsule Corp.

"I still think that Yamcha and Bulma should have gotten back together." Puar pouted. "Yamcha would have been perfect for her."

"I would hate to break it you Puar....scratch that, I would actually love throwing it in your face. Yamcha ain't perfect for any woman, or anyone really. He would have eventually cheated on her or had done something else that was extremely stupid. It's no wonder he's single." Oolong truthfully informed.

"That's not true! Yamcha is the greatest! Anyone would be lucky enough to be with him!" Puar shot back, clearly frustrated.

"If you really feel that way about him, why don't you be the one to marry him? I am willing to place bets with Violet to see how quickly those divorce papers get signed." Oolong laughed as Puar's face built up a red-hot face, though more because she was angry that Oolong would dare talk about the great Yamcha that way.

"What about Violet?" Came another voice as what appeared to be Bulma in a black dress was walking down the corridor towards the duo.

"Yeah, that's who I mentioned. I know that she gets under your skin, so I didn't mean to get you triggered." Oolong said defensively at first, but stopped as he raised an eyebrow, noticing that Bulma's trot was different, and her boobs were bigger than when he had normally taken a peek at them.

"Why would I get triggered? She's purrfect." Bulma said with a bit of sass as she walked past them. This immediately raised Oolong's awareness skills as he stopped to turn to her.

"Bulma, I know that you would probably kill me for saying something like this, but did you get Shenron to wish you bigger boobs or something? I thought we used up our yearly wish when we brought back Krillin and the others." Oolong asked.

"Let's just say they are a nicer pair than you will ever be used to. Chao." Bulma said as she walked in the other direction.

"What's a matter?" Puar asked Oolong, who was still pondering the situation.

"Does Bulma seem different to you?" Oolong asked, his gut telling him that it was some kind of imposter.

"Her hair is longer, and she does seem more mature. She didn't even get mad when Violet was mentioned." Puar pointed out.

"I know right? Let's find Dr. Briefs, Panchy, or Eighter. Maybe Bulma has another sister like Tights that we don't know about. Better yet, let's go ask Jarvis if Bulma had ordered him to make a clone or something stupid." Oolong told as he headed towards Bulma's workshop. It wasn't long before they heard some screaming, one they were relieved and terrified to hear.

"THAT DOES IT!!!! I AM TIRED OF HAVING TO CLEAN UP AFTER MASTER ROSHI AND CAPTAIN AMERICA!!!! THEY BLEW UP MY STUFF!!!" Bulma screamed as she slammed her fist down on the workbench where her Rescue suit lay.

"Now Miss Bulma, we did agree with Mr. Osborn that Capsule Corp would cover half of the cost of when they fought the Red Skull. The last thing we need is another visit from Justin Hammer." Jarvis advised, trying calm Bulma down. Of course it was all in vain.


Yep, this was certainly the Bulma he knew. Sexy....sure. Exhibiting grace and an aura of level-headed maturity, not so much.

"Hey Bulma, did you clone yourself or something?" Oolong asked, trying to get to the matter at hand.

"No! Jarvis, did you clone me?!" Bulma responded as if she was only half listening, still caught up in the latest cleanup Roshi and Steve Rodgers had put her in.

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