"Training, training...." Young Goku said in between soft snores as he clutched the warm blankets, fighting various opponents and friends in his sleep. It was a pleasant dream, one in which he wished he would not wake up from.
"Goku." Venom said, trying to nudge the teen awake with his tentacle.
"Not now Turtle, I am fighting Tien. It's time we finished our sparring match." Goku said, his sleepy face expressing much joy.
"Wake up Goku." Venom demanded softly, trying to make him not bolt out of bed like a startled cat.
"Argh! I'm up! Am I late to train with Mr. Popo and Kami!?" Reacted Goku as he got up. Upon waking up, he looked down to find that his limbs had grown several inches with muscles starting to form. It reminded him that he was undergoing a rapid puberty so close to eighteen. By the time of him birthday, he felt that he would be a fully grown adult.
"Launch would love that." Goku said out loud, accidentally not keeping the thought locked up in his brain.
"Speaking of Launch, where is she?" Venom asked as they both looked around, finding that the bed next to his had no sign that she had been there. On top of that, he couldn't sense Launch. Not Kami, Mr. Popo, or Morbius. Not even the people down on Earth.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Goku asked as he looked around. Sure, the ability to sense another's energy was a recent skill, one in which he acquired from a mysterious entity known as Darkness, but still. Maybe the bedrooms in the Lookout blocked its guests from such an ability.
"Maybe everyone is outside? We better not be late for our training. Launch is going to kill us if we are." Venom suggested as he enveloped Goku up to his neck, leaving his head and wagging tail exposed, happy to find out what lay outside waiting for him.
Only, it wasn't the Lookout...
Stepping outside, Goku and Venom found themselves in a place they haven't seen before. While the atmosphere didn't exhibit any divine grandeur, it was nevertheless just as beautiful, though not as simple looking. It was the outside of a villa, with flowers decorated on the sides, the butterflies and birds enjoying themselves all around, with a lavish pool on the other side. On the other end of a pool, Goku could make out a single man, sipping his coffee and examining a chess board with only a few pieces on display.
The man's appearance was like one Goku had never seen. While he wore sunglasses that hid his eyes well, that's where the similarities stopped with Master Roshi. He was dark skinned lavish looking man in his 50's. His hair was dark with no sign of grey peppering, though it did not hide his receding hairline. His mustache was similar to a trimmed caterpillar, not exactly pencil thin, possessing a small yet significant step above in terms of thickness. He wore a business suit; the suit jacket was a light beige coloring with everything white underneath.
On chess board, three pieces were in place. One a black king placed furthest away from the other two pieces. The second was a dark red bishop, seemingly trying to nudge closer to the third piece on its own, but was unable to move out of its place due to an invisible barrier of sorts. The third was....an Oozaru?!
Yes, it was a Great Ape made out of marble, strong and stoic, flashing between several different colors. One second passed while it was black and white, three seconds passed while it was yellow, one second passed while it was red, one second passed while it was blue, and two seconds passed while it was silver before switching back to black and white. A small red pawn and a slightly bigger pink pawn lay on the side lines, waiting to join the chest game.
"Ah good morning young Goku. Yes, it's a honor to be a host to your honor! Yes, come and sit!" The man greeted as he stood up, his voice a thick French accent.

The Symbiote Saiyan: The Piccolo Jr/Green Goblin Saga
FanficDemon King Piccolo has fallen, the Earth saved by Son Goku, his symbiote Venom, and his friends. However, several threats loom as the Z Fighters prepare for the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, mainly the two living sons of the late demon king. T...