Feli wants to be a Star again. Azalea doesn't want Feli to give up.
Oh there's a Ghost there too.
(Crossposted on ao3, everything is mine!)
((Cover is a placeholder))
'Cats with wings. Stars in the sky. Too powerful to truly die. When they fall, do not fret. Do not be consumed by regret. Titled paws, titled Stars. Representations of all things galore. Small but mighty, Large but sweet, Once they fall, Mortal form,'
"That's all it says!" Exclaimed Feli. "I don't know how it continues..." They sat in the purple tinted grass, exasperated. Their light blue and white fur clashing with the environment around them.
"I think, judging by context clues, maybe it's about to compare Stars to Felivians?" Theorised Azalea, their soft but high voice contrasted Feli's almost raspy voice.
They both sat there. Staring at the book that was totally related to their adventure, and totally wasn't just an excuse to bring a poem into the story. Azalea's brown fur gently swayed in the light breeze, dancing with the miniature light show, created by the tiniest specks of stardust. Almost like fireflies.
Feli watched in awe, watching their own fur wave in the soft wind. Focused, the moon-shaped birthmark in their right eye tried to figure out where the wind was blowing.
"Do you think i'll ever go home again? Or is this my home now, with you?" They suddenly spoke up, much to Azalea's surprise.
"Me? You consider me as one of your homes?"
"Well... yeah. I guess so." Feli shyly smiled. "Wait. What do you mean by 'one of'?"
"I was thinking... maybe it's both? Home doesn't have to be a place, y'know."
"You're right. Y'know."
"I learned from the best."
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Later that day, they padded along the Starlands, admiring the scenery around them.
"Woah! You never got views like this in the Village! How could I even stand it in there? Two legs, always the same mundane thing each and every day..." Azalea kept rambling on.
"Glad I dragged you out then?" Feli teased, flicking their tail playfully at their friend. "You glad I convinced you to embrace the wild side of things?"
Azalea spat out some fur from their mouth. "Of course I am! I feel more authentic than i've ever been!" They bounded up ahead, leaping through the stardust, kicking the soft, purple substance up into the air. It landed on their nose, making them sneeze.
"Bless you, silly." Chuckled Feli, before getting a faceful of stardust. "Hey!"
Azalea giggled, before running ahead. Feli started running after them, smugly opening their wings, flapping, then landed in front of Azalea.
"Hey, no fair! Flying is cheating!"
"And throwing stardust in my face isn't?"
Azalea playfully swatted their paw at Feli , who dodged it.