Chapter - 16 : The show

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Josh : All the pretty dresses need at least 1 day to arrive, even if it is ready

Han: There are only 4 hours till the start of the show

All of them were busy searching for dresses. They must have searched most of the world's websites. But then Rose saw Peter whispering something to David.

Then Rose told Sweety about them.

Rose: Seems like our Support & Top are into something.

Sweety: They seem to take that task importandly.

Author: Girls !! that's " importantly " . And u are not supposed to gossip according to the script ?!

Rose & Sweety: Oh sorry.

Author: Now gooo !!!

Rose: This author lily is Just so disgusting (running and whispering )

Sweety: Just ruling us and chatting to Someonesbestie4life . I want to be in c drama.

Author:- Hey guys!!! Go do your work, don't mess up.

Hearing the voice of the author , they started to run with more speed, almost making a world record.

Rose grabbed Peter & David's shoulder.

Rose: Whatchu talkin' 'bout guys ???

Peter signaled her to come closer. Rose leans to hear, Sweety making an angle to hear what are they whishperring. And it was -

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Upon hearing this, Rose made a hand sign as a sign of approval & sweety nod her head, understanding the assignment.


The team was in a state of panic. With just a few hours to go before the award show, Lily's dress was ruined. The tension in the room was palpable.

Josh: "We need to find a solution, and fast."

Han: "I'll call every designer I know."

Asher: "I'll search online, maybe we can find something custom-made."

While the boys were scrambling to find a solution, Rose and Sweety had a different plan. They had overheard Peter and David whispering about a secret stash of costumes.

Rose: "Hey, guys, I think I have an idea."

Sweety: "Spill it!"

Rose : Can't we make?

Han : Can't u just explain

Rose : Guys if you don't have a way you have to make a way right.

A smirk appeared in their face. They have understood the assignment. Asher ran to the second floor with Lily.
Others run with them, but they locked the door

Josh : Asher don't pls don't f-

Rose : Joshhhh

everyone turned to Josh, realising what he was about to say.

After random 3 hours,

The duo came to the drawing room.

Asher : Guess what I have done......

Josh : Agai-

Lily emerged from the room, her transformation complete. She wore a stunning dress, a masterpiece crafted by Asher's own hands. The dress, once a simple white gown, was now adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant colors.

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