Truth Or Dare: Scared

Start from the beginning

"BRIANNA YOU CAUGHT THE STOVE IN MY FIRE!!!!!" I shouted, " i was hungry" she shrugged.

I started screaming.

Then i recognized it was all a dream. Gratefully, i got up and smelled the air, it smelled like smoke.

I ran downstairs and went in the kitchen. There was smoke coming from the stove, trust me i felt steam come out of my ears and it wasnt smoke.

I hurried up and turned off the stove then got the rag and waved the rag around. The smoke wasnt clearing so i turned on the fan, i removed whatever she put on the stove and put it in the garbage.

I placed brianna on the chair and duct taped her down. I cleaned her mess and was thankful that the smoke cleared. I made her some Cream O Wheat, and gave her water.

I removed the tape and made sure she was feeding herself properly. She ate without talking. I just was listening to music and watching her.


Yeah tell me about it

I have a sister name brie up here she is annoying like heck!

I have a sister name brianna she is annoying

Yup but i love her anyways

Well not me

Oh well you will eventually


I know you are stressing if brandon is gonna prank you.

Yeah i am, what to do?

Calm down, i doubt it.... he cant even if he wants to

I will believe when i see

Okay hahaha whatever you say!

Alright, gotta go brianna is finished

Okay bye!



I got her plate and washed it and her cup. " nikki im sorry..." she sighed.

" save it! Go upstairs and play with your dolls" i pointed at the staircase.

She put her head down and left. Brianna is something else ughh. I went inside and watched Disney Channel. I got a text from brandon. It said:

Brandon: hey nikki.... can you help me do something?

Me: what is it?

Brandon: prank someone.... >:)

Me: okay..... weird...

Brandon: i mean mackenzie, the gang is coming why dont you join?

Me: awesome i would love to!

Brandon: cool! Well i will pick you up at 8

Me: okay.... but brandon?

Brandon: hmm?

Me: im babysitting brianna i dont know if she can come.

Brandon: she can! Thats awesome

Me: cool thanks see ya!

Brandon: okay bye!

Me: bye!

I signed in relief knowing he wasnt going to prank me. I guess i was scared for nothing.

I went to brianna room and knocked softly on her door. She was playing with her dolls, they were having a tea party.

" brianna....." i called softly and quietly.

" yes nikki?" She looked at me with sad eyes

" um... we are heading out" i walked over to her.

" okay i will get ready" she shrugged.

" okay....dont wear something fancy just casual" i mentioned

" okay nikki i will let you know when im done" she said then looked for her clothes.

I never saw her this way, she wasnt ever sad like this. Yes she is 6 but now i see she isnt bratty only. She has a sad side of her, and it was really depressing.

I went in my room to grab some clothes. I got my black kitty cat crop top and put a black t-shirt under. With some black jeans and black converse ( low tops). I got my black cap, well it was something like you wear when its cold. Yeah i think you got the idea. Then i put my hair in a high ponytail and placed the cap on my head. I looked good, i grabbed some black earrings and place them on.

I looked awesome! I got my phone and a duffel bag. I had got some spray paints and a stink bomb. I had a cockroach spray. I knocked on brianna door to see she already was ready.

She had on a blue jeans and a red plain shirt with black converse ( low tops). She had miss. Penelope on her hand. She had her hair in a low ponytail. But she did look good.

I motioned for her to go.downstairs and she did. I was ready to leave and im happy.

I locked the house door and we left ready to prank mackenzie. I cant wait to see the look on her face!

Bad nikki! Anyways im sooooooo happy! I got a 1.03K readers! IM SO HAPPY!!! You guys made my day. You did what i said and it makes me happy!!! OMG IM GOING TO UPGRADE SOMETHING. I will make the chapters long and plus make the book long. I will do a continuation for the dork diaries. Im sooooo happy! Thanks so much! Please if you are bored or anything, check my other stories out. I want my goal for all my stories atleast to 1K readers. You guys can help, spread my book around, tell your friends, it would mean a lot. Thanks so much once again! And dont forget to,






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