Y/N was sought out by Professor Charles Xavier after Cerebro detected him. Y/Ns mother encouraged him to join Charles Xavier's School and he did. Professor Xavier told Y/N he has an extraordinary gift, allowing him to copy other Mutant powers. This...
He stops by Juggernaut and glances at Y/N, Storm and Logan.
Magneto: Nobody gets inside. And watch the boy.
He knows how much a handful Y/N can be and leaves, Juggernaut smirks at the three X-Men members.
Magneto uses his powers to open the door and lets the Professor go in first, they walked past the kitchen as many things rattle. Various things immediately drop to the floor as Jean sees the Professor with Magneto.
The Professor stops a few feet away from Jean as Magneto stands by the door behind the Professor.
Jean: I knew you'd come.
Charles: Of course. I've come to bring you home.
Jean: I have no home.
The Professor sees the pain and sadness in her eyes.
Charles: Yes, you do. You have a home and a family.
Magneto slowly walks to the Professor's side while looking at Jean.
Magneto: You know, he thinks your power is too great for you to control.
Charles: Erik.
Magneto glances at him for moment before looking back at Jean.
Magneto: I don't believe your mind games are going to work anymore, Charles.
Jean leans forward slightly and whispers.
Jean: So you want to control me?
Charles: No.
There's some truth to Magneto's words, but it's to stop Jean from doing something drastic.
Magneto: He does.
Charles: No. I want to help you.
Jean looks at him with hurt and asked.
Jean: Help me? What's wrong with me?
Magneto: Absolutely nothing.
Charles: Erik, stop!
He warns Magneto, but he doesn't listen.
Magneto: No, Charles! Not this time! You've always held her back!
Charles: For your own good, Jean.
A lamp flies into a behind them and Magneto looks at the for a moment.
Jean: Stay out of my head.
She glares at the Professor.
The mailbox rattles while the gate closes, this gets Juggernaut's attention along with the others.
Y/N: Screw it. I'm going in.
Storm stops him by grabbing his arm and looks at him.
Storm: The professor said he'd handle this.
Y/N sighs in frustration as he looks towards the house with concern.
Y/N: Shit.
Red electricity slowly forms in his hand as Logan notices and raises an eyebrow.
Suddenly, the doors to the room close as furniture and other things begin to float.
Charles: Look at me, Jean. I can help you.
Tears well up in Jean's eyes as she refuses to look him in the eyes.
Charles: Look at me!
Jean finally looks at him as a tear rolls down her cheek.
Jean: No. Get out of my head.
The Professor's wheelchair is pushed back and Magneto looks at him.
Magneto: Perhaps you should listen to her, Charles.
Charles looks at Jean.
Charles: You must trust me. You're a danger to everyone and yourself! But I can help you!
Magneto: I think you want to give her the cure!
He knows what he is doing and so does the Professor.
Charles: Look what happened to Scott! You killed the man you love because you couldn't control your power!
Jean shuts her eyes as memories of her killing Scott floor her mind.
Jean: No! Stop!
The window shatters as Magneto gets thrown into the kitchen. This makes Y/N even more concerned as the red electricity covers his entire forearms and Logan pops his claws.
Logan: That's it.
He growls as he charges at Juggernaut, Storm floats up and the sky darkens. Juggernaut flips Logan over before tossing him into the house.
Y/N dashes towards Quill and blocks his attack before spinning around and kicking him in the gut. Storm shoots a bolt of lightning at Arclight and she falls to the ground unconscious.
Callisto crashes through the door as Storm walks in, Quill punches Y/N across the face and he quickly grabs his throat and headbutts him.
Quill hits the ground with a thud and Y/N teleports inside and stands by Storm. Castillo was surprised to see as she raises an eyebrow.
Callisto: Taskmaster...
Y/N is surprised to hear his own codename as Storm gets pushed back into the wall, Y/N gets punched in the face and spots Callisto taunting him.
Juggernaut flips over a table and tosses Logan through the ceiling, Logan lands in another part of the house as Juggernaut kicks him out of the same window.
Stuff fly around the Professor as he stares at Jean.
Charles: Jean, let me in.
He tries to enter her mind but she blocks him out.
Y/N side steps Callisto punch and kicks her in the gut, he quickly slides into her and suplexs her into the coffee table.
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Water from the sink fly upwards to the ceiling as Magneto watches Jean and the Professor. The Professor still tries to get into her head but she continues to block him out.
He sees her veins darken and her eyes flash a faint orange before they darken completely, she stands up from the chair as the wall disintegrate into nothing.
Y/N grabs Callisto neck and tosses her through the window, Logan comes crashing through the wall and Juggernaut pulls him to his feet and blocks Logan's attack.
The Professor is slowly lifted from his wheelchair as he continues to stare at her, he slowly goes higher as the house begins to lift up from the ground.
Logan, Y/N and Storm all are forced up against the ceiling, Y/N pops his own claws and slowly crawl to the sliding door.
The skin slowly disintegrates as Magneto watches.
Magneto: No, Jean! Jean!
The Professor slowly disintegrates into nothing as Y/N slowly but surely makes his way to the door, he grunts as he pulls himself closer.
He slowly reaches his hand out and slides it open, he lays on his back and watches in horror. Time slows down as Jean spreads her arms out.
Charles: Don't let it control you.
He looks at Y/N one last time with a smile and tears slowly fill Y/N's eyes.
Charles: I always loved you like a son, Y/N.
Those words hit Y/N hard and he yells out in agony.
Y/N: No!
Magneto: Charles!
Logan, Storm, Juggernaut and Callisto all get tossed out of the house as it crashes back into the ground. Magneto slowly gets up and walks into the destroyed room, he glances at the empty chair before he helps up Jean.
Magneto: My dear, come with me.
He takes her out of the destroyed house. Logan and Storm come rushing in and see Y/N on his knees, Logan spots the empty wheelchair and looks back at Storm.
Logan: Oh, God!
He falls to his knees and dread sets in as he lets out a sob.
Storm: No.
She wraps her arms around Logan's neck as Y/N looks at the wheelchair with an emotionless gaze, he wanted to scream or cry... But he couldn't. All he felt is emptiness, a single tear rolls down his cheek.