We got into my large range rover and I simply told Louis I would explain later in answer to his questioning. When we arrived at Niall’s apartment I ran out, knocking on the door. It suddenly occurred to me that he could have gone out or something but the door soon opened to reveal a slightly annoyed looking Niall, wearing sweatpants with his hair dishevelled, probably just gotten up.

“Come on Ni, we gotta go. I’ll explain in the car,” I said, answering his confused look.

He must have sensed it was urgent so he quickly joining me in the car a few minutes later. “What’s happening?” He asked leaning forward from the back seat.

“Well,” I began “Zayn’s in the hospital. I don’t know what happened to him but Liam’s there with him and we’re gonna be there for him too.” I said, determined.

There was silence from the other two boys but I knew they had heard me. They didn’t need to say anything. So instead, I put my foot down and drove straight to the hospital, probably a little too fast to be legal… but oh well.

We ran into the hospital and straight past the reception desk, heading for the waiting area. I scanned the place filled with many chairs, expecting Liam to be sitting on one. When I didn’t see him, I was about to go back to the reception and ask where Zayn’s room was, hoping Liam was there with him, but I saw Louis looking down the corridor.

“C’mon Lou, let’s go-” Niall said, apparently thinking the same as me, but was cut of when Louis began walking speedily down the corridor. I looked after him, saw someone sitting against the wall, and quickly ran after him, with Niall alongside me. We got closer and I knew it was Liam. He had his knees up to his chest, head in hands and body shaking with sobs. His head turned to look at us as we approached him. He stood up weakly and walked over to us. We all crushed him in a group hug and he began to relax, but held me tightly round the waist. The others let go of him but Liam continued to hold me. I looked over his shoulder to the door he was sitting by, the sign on the door read ‘Emergency Treatment – Restricted Access’ I figured Zayn went in there and Liam wasn’t allowed to follow.

“You know there are chairs back here.” Louis said to Liam and he gave a small smile. “They don’t make you sit on the floor.”

The mood lightened considerably and we led Liam back to the waiting room. He had stopped crying now but he was walking next to Niall, holding his hand tightly. I saw the tips of Niall’s fingers go white and Niall looked slightly pained.

“Mate, you might want to loosen your grip or Niall’s gonna lose blood circulation in his hand,” I said with a hint of mischief.

Liam looked up at me, then down at his and Niall’s hands. He immediately let go of the blonde’s hand. “Sorry Ni,” he muttered, a light blush covering his cheeks as he let his hand hang loosely by his side.

We sat down and Niall put his arm around Liam’s shoulder, pulling him closer. “It’s alright mate. Now, do you want to tell us what happened?” Niall asked and Liam nodded his head before taking a deep breath and telling us all of today’s events.

He told us how Zayn had been sick this morning; how it was all part of the withdrawal symptoms; how he had begged for his cigarettes back but Liam told him to think of a reason not to. Then Liam said how Zayn had told him that he was the reason for wanting to quit. We all swooned at that until Liam almost had a breakdown, blaming himself for all of this. He told us how Zayn had collapsed and wouldn’t respond; how the doctors came and said he stopped breathing before bringing them both here.

I held him round his shoulders and let him burry his head into my chest as I stoked his hair lovingly. Although the rest of the boys and I all love him, it is a completely different love to the one him and Zayn share. They are obviously made for each other and love each other so much. Otherwise Liam wouldn’t be this emotional now.

We waited for a while there, just hoping that a doctor or nurse would come and give us news on Zayn. Of course, we were One Direction so our presence didn’t go unnoticed; although most people saw that we didn’t want to be harassed so stayed clear of us. However, one small girl, who looked about seven, came out of one of the rooms with a cast around her arm and a sad expression on her face. When she caught sight of us, she pulled on her mum’s arm and pointed to us. She was going to walk over to us when her mum pulled her back and whispered something in her ear. I was watching the whole time and gave her a small smile as she made her over slowly and carefully.

“W-would you sign my cast?” she asked timidly, looking at each of us.

“Sure,” I spoke up. “What’s your name sweetie?”

“Sarah” She said and stepped aside so Louis could sign her cast, then walked down the line of us. I signed her cast writing a little message for her then Sarah reached Liam, how was sitting in between Niall and I. He signed it for her without a word and she apparently noticed, “Um, what’s wrong Liam?”

“Err, it’s just that Zayn isn’t very well.” He explained vaguely.

“Oh,” she sounded sad. “I hope he gets better soon.” She said before Niall quickly signed her cast and she left with her mum, waving to us.

After another few minutes of silence a nurse came into the waiting room, began to open her mouth, then saw us and hurried over. “You are here for Zayn Malik, right?” she asked us. We nodded and Louis gave a small ‘yep’. She smiled reassuringly and motioned for us to stand up. “Zayn is out of emergency treatment now and you may see him.” All our faces lit up and I even saw Liam smile genuinely. “However, he is under general anesthetic and will most likely be unconscious. He will also be quite drowsy when he wakes up.” The nurse explained as we all walked down the hall with her. “He is in room 207, up the elevator and to your right,” she said. We expressed our thanks then practically ran to the elevator and then into Zayn’s room.

So, this chapter didn't end up being as short as i thought it would be... But it wasn't very long either... Anyway hope you liked it :D This was kinda just a filler chapter and i'm not really cure if it has any point in being in the story but I wrote it so I'm not going to just disgard it!
Don't really know what else to say - running out of things to say in these autors notes. Except I LOVE ALL YOU GUYS!!! Although I only got 5 votes on the previous chapter when i would have liked 10 :( If you like reading this fic it wouldn't hurt to just like the chapter and maybe comment something simple - It would make me feel better about writing this too :D

Anyway, please continue to Fan Vote Comment  and i will love you to pieces!!! <3

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