the Calamity has been for told, and yet more monsters are attacking Hyrule castle. A brave and young soldier, whoms name is Link, sets out for his first battle. He meets the Zora named "J" on the battlefield, and that changes everything. Since that...
Claude: "oh hey, teach, didn't see ya coming. We are done quarreling, so ya need something? I can't imagine you'd come to Fódlan for no reason."
J: "thanks for asking, Claude. The reason I came here is just by the will of the goddess. Hyrule needs us. Not right now, but in the nearby future. Those who slither in the dark.... their gonna wreck havoc across all of Hyrule."
Edelgard: "how so, my teacher?"
Claude: "it is my teacher, Edelgard!"
Dimitri: "stop it, you two! She is the teacher to all of us. Now, continue Professor."
J: "Thank you Dimitri. Those who slither in the dark are gonna resurrect Calamity Ganon. He wrecked havoc across Hyrule many centuries ago, and his return is near. Those who slither in the dark even made a mage with the powers of malice. I assume there is even more behind it. I needed the sword of the creator to reach my full potential, so I came to Fódlan. And to see you are all still alive..... it makes me so happy. But I must ask a favour of you. Will you travel to Hyrule with me to help m-"
Suddenly the house leaders come rushing towards J and engage her in a hug.
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During the hug
Claude: "I will be there for you, teach. I don't want to lose you ever again. Let's kill that Calamity your talking about!"
Edelgard: "my teacher, you may have not chosen the Black Eagles when you arrived at the Monastery, but I will be at your side. I always wanted to be at your side, so I won't let you go this time."
Dimitri: "professor, I'm on the same page as Edelgard. I will lend you my strength. Let's avenge the death!"
J: "Thank you, guys."
They stop hugging and J turns to Ashe and Link. They both nod.
Ashe: "you don't have to ask professor, I will be their for you. And Link will be to, right Link?!"
Link nods again, agreeing to fight at J her side with the others.
J: "Thank you, all of you. Now, get all your stuff. We're heading out. Claude, Dimitri and Edelgard, take your relics with you. It will be of a great help."
Claude+Edelgard+Dimitri: "on it, Professor!"
Everyone heads out to their personal quarters to pack their stuff. Link goes with J to her room.
J: "I'm so happy their still alive. They will be of a great help defeating the Calamity. I'll pack my stuff."
J packs her stuff, like diary, some pictures. When she saw the picture of the golden deer after the battle of the eagle and Lion, she smiled.
J: "I'm sorry, my deers. I will avenge you, and I know I am not alone. Claude will help, together we will defeat Nemesis. Then you can all rest in peace, I know you can then."
J: "I'm done."
J walks outside, seeing the others are ready to. They all nod to eachother, and set off to Hyrule.