Chapter Forty Nine

Start from the beginning

The gods watch in awe and some participate with their powers, but the second line is carving their own path into the army before them, no matter how badly they get outnumbered. Expert weapon handling, mastery over magic, and experience crushing their foes.

Nico leads several of the Guardians and their Companions into the throng of the most dangerous monsters. They fight like a team, even after all this time and hardly knowing each other. Nico switches with Percy between shield duty and goes around healing those who need it every once in a while so they can keep fighting, monsters included.

Jason, Reyna, and Raphael tag team the battalion of drakons along with their Companions on one side of them while Kronos, Hyperion, and Krios bring up the other side. Piper, Hazel, and Frank go after the five battalions of empousa and dracanae with their Companions, and become deadly forces as they all wreak absolute havoc on them. The Giants charge through and clash against any and every enemy in their way and that they can find. The other Titans fight side by side with each other and tear their own path through the core of the army, drifting fro battalion to battalion as they obliterate the enemy.

Percy doesn't expect Tartarus to come after him while he fights off many monsters on his own, severely focused on keeping the shields up with Nico as Corruption tries to tear them down. Tartarus plows into Percy and sends him flying. Percy hits with a crash into the border, causing it to flash gold from all the spells on it. He drops to the ground and rolls halfway down the hill before getting up and growling, his eyes flashing white. He wades right back in and starts to destroy the monsters with a renewed effort. 

After about two hours, the monsters on Corruption's side begin to tire, even with Gaea healing them to keep their forces alive while the other monsters on Percy's side just keep fighting. Regardless of injury unless it is too much for them. They just enjoy the battle and ripping others apart. When Annabeth comes after Percy, Artemis snarls and lunges at her, grappling for the upper hand. Artemis struggles and barely manages to overpower Annabeth in her weakened state. Tartarus grins and sees his chance. As Artemis kills Annabeth, Tartarus comes at her with his spear.

Sensing Artemis in danger, Percy turns and his eyes widen. He flashes away from the group of monsters he fights and is in front of Artemis in the next instant. But Tartarus was so close, Percy didn't have enough time to block and the spear pierces him in the right side of his body. Blood pours out of his mouth and Artemis turns and screams at what's before her eyes.

"Nico." Percy coughs and blood splatters onto the spear and the ground, adding to the pool of blood at his feet.

Nico is at Artemis's side immediately and flashes her behind the shield again before continuing in bringing down the enemy. 

Tartarus grins and shoves the spear in a little farther before twisting, causing more blood to fountain out. "You know what this is made of, right? Pit metal. Oh the pain you must be experiencing."

Percy starts to feel it and closes his eyes as he concentrates on keeping the shield up. Then he looks up at the sky. "Ezekeiel." He says. "Lend me your strength." He whispers and Tartarus can't hear him. Percy's eyes and Guardian Brand start to glow and he holds up his hand. A shaft of moonlight flickers to life and his hand tightens around it. He looks at Tartarus murderously. "Stay away from the Moon, Tartarus!" Percy growls and runs Tartarus through with the moonlight, purifying the Primordial of the Pit. He rips out the spear and heals the offending wound and its affects.

He is gone in one second and on top of Gaea in the next as he whirls on her, wielding starlight in one hand and his sword in the other. "Percy!" Artemis yells and Corruption grins widely.

As Percy purifies Gaea after a while, the Guardians kill off the last of the evil monsters. Nico takes over the shielding and gets everyone but himself behind the shields. He rushes over to Percy and blocks Corruption as he tries to get to Percy while he's vulnerable. Corruption makes his hand into a fist and Nico drops to his knees, but keeps the shields up no matter what, trying not to reveal how painful that just was for him. All his organs were crushed completely, except for his heart.

Percy pulls away from Gaea and turns, only to get a hand around his throat. His brand starts to flicker and he knows Ezekeiel is having a hard time staying connected with him. Percy's soul is being attacked and he struggles with it as he tries to come back from purifying Gaea, who is moved behind the shields next to Tartarus. 

"Well, I am the last one. But you have no chance at purifying me. My nephew, or my brother since...well...I won't go into details right now. But I know what he asked you. You are unable to do it now that some things are presenting themselves. The one thing you didn't predict, was that Artemis was going to jump your Wise Girl." Corruption chuckles darkly.

Slowly, a smile spreads across Percy's face. "You're wrong." Percy tells him and his hands grip Corruption's arms. "Artemis is just too active to stay out of any fight and I knew she would eventually come out of the safety of the shields. I was banking on that, not as bait, but as something that was inevitable in the first place. She's just too stubborn." Corruption growls. "I knew she would go after Annabeth and I knew Annabeth would look for anything I dropped. So I left my back unguarded and took on a number of monsters. I'm not stupid, I made myself the bait. I knew that would happen, and I figured either you, Gaea, or Tartarus would attempt to kill Artemis. My next move depended on who killed who."

Corruption's grasp becomes vise like and it turns Percy's throat purple. "If I cannot win this war, I will take you down with me."

"Not likely." Percy smirks.

Corruption ignores the expression. "Why is that?"

The Brand on Percy's forehead becomes blindingly bright and one of his hands slams into Corruption's brow. Percy's voice is combined with his own and Ezekeiel's. "We are going to purify you, together." His hands burst with white light and it takes an agonizingly long time before Corruption is purified. An hour to be exact. And when the white light dissipates, Percy is lying next to Corruption. No one but Corruption and Percy know who took over who. But the white light and the two bodies instead of one gives them hope. Artemis is the first to rush out and settles down next to Percy.

"Perseus, mt Guardian, wake up." Artemis says and lays his head in her lap. 

Corruption sits up first and takes a look around. Then he sees Percy and smiles warmly. "So I see he succeeded. Interesting."

"He's breathing. Is he going to die?" Artemis looks at Corruption.

Corruption shakes his head. "He took my evil into himself to purify it better. He was weaker than he led you all to believe. I haven't felt so free in ages. He will wake soon enough. Patience, child." He pats her head.

Chaos flashes in and grins. He runs to Corruption, who stands up, and hugs the Elder Primordial. "I am so glad the boy saved you." Chaos says and then moves away from Corruption to crouch down next to Percy. He studies Percy and then places a hand on Percy's head. Percy's eyes flutter open and take a minute to focus in.

"Chaos?" Percy asks.

"Hello, Perseus." Chaos smiles warmly. "Thank you for saving Corruption from his own evil."

Percy nods. "You're welcome." He looks up and sees Artemis. He doesn't care and just brings her lips down to his. She blushes when he lets her go. "I feel awful." Percy admits, chuckling.

Corruption looks sheepish. "Sorry about that. That would be my fault. That has been churning for years."

Percy nods. "It's okay. I'll live." Percy looks up at the sky. "Thank you, Ezekeiel."

Still got one last chapter to write. Sorry if the battle was a little boring or cliche. I hope you like it anyway. Hurry on to the next chapter when it pops up, my lovely readers!

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