Sadly, the neighborhood was small enough for me to reach the other side in mere minutes. My feet and legs begged for a moment to rest, but my heart cried out to keep going. And funny enough, my legs knew exactly where to run as my brain peresistantly asked as to where we were going.

Where are we going anyways??

Somewhere, my brain answered sarcastically. Somewhere that's not here.

Oh gee, that's helpful... Wait, why am I even bickering with myself anyways...?!

I felt my feet stop as I stood in front of the old theatre downtwon, panting. I used to escape to here whenever I needed to think. There was nothing in here to steal, so the owners keep the theatre open to the public.

I guess I subconsciously knew where I needed to go... Clear my head...

Approaching the entrance, I headed in to be welcomed by the smell of vaccum-ed floors and a waxed stage... Reminds me of when I was little... Running around here, pretending I was a big star...

My hand traveled down the purple leather of several seats as I approached the stage. As usual, a couple of lights lit the gleaming black floor. Now if only I could perform on here for real...

Starting up the stairs to the stage, I heard footsteps and voices. Or rather, footsteps and a voice. I groaned inwardly as I looked towards the entrance, waiting for Eric's face to show.

"Nina!' he called out, running in. He stopped the moment he saw me. "Hey, why did you run away...?" he asked as he started to slowly advance towards me.

With my heart beat quickly picking up, I put up a shield. Looking away, I said, "Where's Rachel?"

I heard the confusion in his voice as his paced picked up slightly. "What are you taking 'bout? Nina, I came here for you."

My lip trembled slightly as I shook my head. "Don't say that."

He aws already halfway as he frowned. "Why not? What's goin' on, Nina?"

Why can't you just leave me alone? Don't you realize I'm trying to forget you?! "J-ust go away, Eric..." I mumbled weakly. "I don't want to talk to you..."

His footsteps resounded throughout the place as he started up the stairs. "No, I won't leave you like this. You're my friend and I won't let you run away from your dream."

'You're my friend...'

"D-don't say th-at," I demanded, still not looking at him. "D-on't say I'm yo-your friend."

He stopped in front of me, obviously concerned. "But you are my friend, Nin." He's resorting to nicknames... His warm hand cupped my cheek as he made me look at him. "What is this all about??" I can't take this anymore..!!

Before I ended up kissing him, I shoved him away. "J-ust go away, you jerk!" I shouted, tears making a trail of salt water on my face. "Can't you see I'm trying to stop loving you?!"

Everything seemed to be paused as he stared at me in shock. I was glued to the spot and I tried to surpress my emotions.

"W...what?" Eric asked quietly. Any minute now he'd probably be laughing...

D-don't make me say it again..." I whimpered, looking down.

Other footsteps echoed slightly as Eric took a slow step foward. "But why...?"

'Cause you're amazing, I wanted to say, but I just shook my head. "I couldn't help it..."

"Why didn't you say something earlier...?" Wait...? "Nina... I loved you too..."

I glanced at him, confused, as my heart sank. "Loved?"

He nodded as he stepped closer. "Yeah... If you would've said something before the dance..."

"Before Rachel..." I said quietly. "Of course..."

"I'm sorry Nina... I-"

"You really love Rachel," I finished for him. "So when she asked for an apology from you, you gladly would do anything to be with her." I couldn't help but let out a snort. "And then when she breaks up with you again, you'll just come back to me. Like you always do..." My tears became quiet sobs as I stabbed not only him but myself with the comments. "And like some little love-sick puppy, of course I'll give you sympathy. 'Cause I h-ate seeing you get hurt..."

"Nina..." Eric started. But I wasn't finished.

"So here I am, telling you I love you," I continued, my voice getting weaker, "and all you can say is that you l-loved me."

"Please Nin, don't be like that..." Eric started as he grabbed my hand. "Don't let what we have go away."

I looked down at our hands together as tears fell on his hand. "I... I-I don't think we can ever have what we had before, Eric. I-I don't want to keep acting like I don't have feelings for you..."

"Nina... we can work it out... Please..." he begged, squeezing my hand. Where did it all go wrong??

I looked up at him to see his eyes watering slightly. But I couldn't keep this up anymore... "I-I'm so sorry," I whispered as I slipped my hand away, jogging towards the entrance. Looking over at him, he looked just as dejected as I felt. A sob escaped as I ran out before he could see me cry even more.


A/N: So here's chapter 17! Four days after chapter 16! XD I'm so proud of myself. :))))

So as you guys probably already heard, I do have a sinus infection. Therefore I will probably be doing a lot of writing for the next couple of days as I wait for the penicillin to do it's thing. :D

Also, I start soccer practice as soon as I fight this off, you won't see any updates later in the day, considering my practice is 5:30-7:30 and I'm going to be very sore from it. I'm out of shape so I'm doing this to get in shape. XDD



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