"Hey there could be worse situations," Ella gives her a look.

"Like being forced to marry your cousin?"

"Hey people did that back then," she protests.

"But still, think about having to marry Mr. Collins. It would be awful. Mr. Darcy is much more preferable, as I'm sure Elizabeth agrees with me."

Lizzy nods.

Ella laughs. "Yes I agree."

"And If I am Elizabeth then you would be Jane," Jess says.



"Alright what about Miss Charming?"

"Hmmm Kitty," Jess and Ella speak the name at the same time.

"Yes yes," Ella says. "And I think Amelia would be Lydia."

''Absolutely!" Jess agrees.

"What about Mr. Bradford?" she asks as she plays with a feather in the air.

After a moment they almost both say, "Mr. Bingley," but Jess is louder.

Ella giggles.

"Which means you two would be together," Jess teases.

"I'm alright with that," she laughs. "But I won't be. He likes you enormously."

Jess hesitates

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Jess hesitates. "What makes you think that? It looks to me as if he's infatuated with you my dear friend," she says, trying to sound old-timey.

"Are you joking? If he is not making conversation with you he is staring at you. Have you seen how he smiles around you? Anyone with eyes can see this is true, Jessie."

"What's your thoughts on this, Lizzy?"

She looks up from daydreaming. "Oh yes he-wait what are we talking about again?" she looks clueless.

"Do you think Mr. Bradford likes me or Ella better? I am certain he likes her." Jess says, trying to convince her to choose Ella.

"Oh..." she looks at them, her eyes switching back and forth between the two. "I don't like to take sides..."

"It's not that hard. Just think about how he acts around us separately and make a choice."

"Um...." she looks uncomfortable.

...A long moment passes.

That's when the doors open.

"Oh the men have returned!" Charming says, taking advantage of the interruption and leaping from her place to greet them.

Ella gives Jess a look. "I'll prove it to you that he likes you," she huffs and stands up to follow Elizabeth.

"Sure you will," Jess whispers then stands up to follow the other women.

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