Chapter 2.

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All through my four years in college ...studying creative and applied arts..
And a double major in English Classics.

Yes..I eventually followed in mom's footsteps.

I started harnessing my gift of drawing.
I became pretty good over time and ofcos my parents breathed a sigh of relief.

"She finally found her calling"..they joked about it.

Yes I guess I finally did.

I attended all the fashion shows I could get tickets on.
I dragged my friends along with me.

It was electrifying. Seeing such pretty designs and have people just catwalk in them to the cheers of the crowd.

I so wanted so so badly to have my work out there and have my name on the dress tag reading..."Marybelline courtour"..

Oh what a dream come through it would be.

So I patiently waited.
I studied .
I didnt have time for Boyz. and friends that wanted to just play around and add nothing meaningful to my life.

Whenever I was free...I would knit,draw and draw some more.

I had stakes of drawings of my work...I kept them safe.

During summer Hollz or when we were on vac... I decided to take it a step further. My friend adara advised
I enrolled in a sewing school.
Mum and dad where happy to foot the bill.

By the time I was in my third year..
I started making half of my dresses.
At first people discouraged me and told me I should give it up..I didnt have the flair for a georgeous fitting.

I didnt care. Mum told me I should follow my heart and I did.

I picked out colours I loved. Picked out a design in my book and I made it..

I ofcos started with dresses...and then jackets and scarfs...and I loved it.
Eventually my college pals came around.

Like I said. It wasn't awesome but you could rock it and you wouldnt get laughed at. It was new and original and that's why it stood out.

I was ready to take it a notch higher...get into the best fashion firm and reach my goal.

Life was good.


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