I gripped his shoulders with my hands, moving my left foot behind his leg, making him fall to the floor before I climbed on top of him, sitting on his torso, just in front of his crotch. "I win." I smirked down at him.

"W-What? That wasn't even fair! I wasn't ready!" He protested, his golden brown eyes meeting mine. "You took advantage of me!" He pouted.

He soon recovered from his 'sad phase' as I liked to put it, much to my confusion before I realised what he was doing. He had flipped us over. Him pinning me down now. He grabbed my hands, putting them above my head so I couldn't move.

"'Cause that was fair." I rolled my eyes, looking up at him. The smile had fallen from his face, but I could still see the playful glint in his eyes.

Oh how easy it would be to kiss him right now.

No, Lex. Don't do it. No matter how much you want to. Don't think about it. Or his breath you can feel on his cheek.

"I like your tattoo," I murmured to him, lifting half my mouth in a side smirk.

"Nice try," He murmured back, raising his eyebrows at me.

"What?" Feigning innocence, I bit down on my bottom lip to hide my grin.

"You're not going to distract me. I won this. Just like I won the race. Which proves, yet again, that I am good at everything, and more importantly, better than you." He smirked down at me.

"Fine. You win this as well. But, we will be having a rematch."


"What are you doing for the rest of your day then?" Daniel asked as we walked back to the apartments, his shirt slung over his shoulder. 

After the play fight we had, which we had managed to drag on for another half hour. Mainly because I tried as many ways possible to try and get his concentration to weaken so I could roll is back over, to make me finally victorious.

But, as you can imagine that didn't happen, probably something to do with the fact of him being an F1 driver and having superb concentration skills.

Didn't mean I wasn't going to try.

However, he had soon stood up, and helped me off the floor, throwing me my jacket back, which I managed to catch right before it hit me in the face. Only slightly though.

Which brought me back to the current moment, five minutes into our twenty minute trek back to our apartments.

"I'm going home. I only have four sets of clothes with me, so I need more clothes and my other belongings from back home. So I'm officially moving in there." I explained to him as we walked along, my arm brushing against his every now and again which...wasn't something I was going to complain about.

"You know I'd offer to come with you, but I've got to be in the stimulator for most the day. You gonna be okay?" He asked, looking down at me, concern etched across his face.

"I'll be fine Dan," I smiled, the nickname just slipping out. Not that he probably minded, I'd heard tonnes of people call him Dan before. It didn't stop the blush from spreading across my cheeks though.

"How about I help you unpack when you get back?" He asked.

"You don't have to, you'll probably be tired..." I bit my bottom lip. Help would be nice, of course. All the more better if it was Dan helping me out, but he needed to be as ready as possible for Melbourne at the weekend. And sleep deprivation wasn't going to help that at all.

"But if I leave you to do it all yourself, then you'll be just as tired."

"But I don't have a race on Sunday, do I? I can sleep then." I shrugged.

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