Seddie Oneshots: 526 by shana852963

Start from the beginning


It was almost an hour before Carly returned to the studio. Freddie had tried to focus on his math, but for some reason, it seemed very hard to do so.

"What is your deal?" Carly demanded.

"My deal?" Freddie repeated, confused.

"Yes, your deal!" Carly said. "Why in the world would you say those things to Sam?"

"Oh come on, they weren't that bad," Freddie said.

"Not that bad? Did you hear yourself?" Carly exclaimed. "You really hurt her feelings, you know!"

"Sam doesn't have feelings," Freddie said, rolling her eyes. "Well, other than hungry and tired, that is."
"Freddie!" Carly yelled. "What is the matter with you? You've never acted so-so...jerky before!"

"Excuse me?" Freddie frowned. "I am not acting jerky."

"Yes you are!" Carly nodded, clearly frustrated. "Those things you said to Sam...they scream jerky!"

"Oh, and like Sam's never said anything rude to me before," Freddie said, rolling his eyes. "How many 'nubs' and 'dorks' have I had to endure? Do you know how many wedgies I was forced to suffer back in-"

"But you took it to a whole new level," Carly said. "You-You attacked her about your relationship."

"I did not 'attack' her," Freddie said.

"You basically said she wasted all your money and embarrassed you," Carly said bluntly. "Freddie, you and Sam broke up, what, six months ago?"

"Yeah, so?" Freddie shrugged.

"And in that time...has she ever said anything like you said to her?" Carly asked softly. "About-About her thinking you were a bad boyfriend or about you embarrassing her or her regretting the two of you dating? No. She's never gone there. But you did."

Freddie sighed, looking down at his feet, ashamed. "I-I never said I thought she was a bad girlfriend..."

"You didn't have to say it," Carly said. "Sam still got the message loud and clear."

Freddie didn't reply. Maybe he did go too that he thought about it.

I told her she cleaned out my wallet and humiliated me on our dates, Freddie slowly realized. Holy chiz...I-I am a jerk...did I really say all that?

Freddie replayed the scene in his head, slowly becoming disgusted with his own words as they sank in.

"It-It didn't sound that bad...did it?" Freddie said.

Carly glared at him.

"I mean...she's done stuff just as bad to me!" Freddie defended. "Sure, I-I guess she never exactly said anything about our relationship per say, but-but what about that time she ruined by application to N.E.R.D camp? She went way too far that time!"

"Yeah, she did," Carly agreed. "And she realized that, which is why she spent three hours on the phone the day after you found out arguing with the camp director to get you an extension to submit a new application. Don't you remember getting that email?"

"Wait, that-that was because of Sam?" Freddie frowned, thinking about to how excited he had been when he opened up his inbox to see that message.

"Yup," Carly nodded. "She's also the reason the Training Bros let you back into their little club. I may not have agreed with the methods she used, and one of the guys might have an irrational fear of can openers for the rest of his life, but, well, the point is she got you back in."

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