I follow the gaze of everybody else and notice the dirt bikers are revving up prior to the horn blowing. I count 6 in total, but unidentifiable due to their helmets, not that I would recognize them.

The crowd begins to countdown from 10. I, however, cross my arms and wait to witness what everybody seems to be excited about.

The horn let's out a shrill sound, which sends the crowd into chaos as the dirt bikers take off in the same direction. I watch with curiosity as they drive with speed straight and up a high ramp. Each of the bikers turn their direction and go back down the ramp with even more speed. By now the crowd begins to shout out different names. "Jackson! Jackson!" "Asher! Asher!" "Sydney! Sydney!" "Go Myles! Go Myles!"

Eventually, the sound of each cheer becomes slurred together and creates one big obnoxious sound. Somebody from the group of people from earlier passes me a bottle of vodka and coke. "Go on, take a shot for your first race track."

When I don't take a shot, all four pair of eyes is sealed on me. "Don't be a wuss." Before the taunting gets any worse, I obey.

The vodka burns my throat even with the coke chasing it down. I try my best not to show any distaste as I wipe my mouth and hand back the drinks. 

"It's been awhile since I've had a shot." I said after shooting a satisfying grin towards them which they return before going back to cheering on the riders.

The last time I drank was on my sweet sixteen which wasn't great because my stomach couldn't handle it afterwards.


After a few more shots of vodka and a can or two of wisers, I manage to control my stagger to a minimum as I follow a crowd of people whose faces I know and don't know.

The race finished with Jackson crowned winner, although everyone seems to be cheering everyone who I don't remember, equally. "Jackson!"

Someone grabs a hold of my shoulder and hauls me to the front. 

"Jackson, this is Alex." Cynthia calls out. Suddenly through my minor tipsy state, my body locks with nervousness as a dozen of eyes land on me... Making me the spotlight of attention. With an effort to ignore the stares, I raise my can to whoever this Jackson guy is, because God knows my memory is beginning to go blank due to the fact I'm tipsy and can hardly stand on my two feet because I need to pee badly.

"Good race," I said with a grin and looked at Jackson whose hair was drenched with sweat and an amused look traced on the tips of his lips.

"Good to see you again Alex." He says as he takes the rest of my wisers and drives away on his dirt bike.

I frown with a bit of confusion as the people around us erupt in celebration. I stare after that Jackson guy. Cynthia chuckles behind me, "You don't recognize him because you're nearly drunk."

"Shut up." is all I say before breaking into laughter.

"Let's go," one of Cynthia's friends jogs up towards us.

"Where too?" I ask and Cynthia throws me a side glance, "the party just started." Usually I would groan and ache to go home but for once, I'm excited.


We pull up to a house out of town that is blaring with music. I silently thank the heavens the sober one of us was driving or else I would be in a ditch somewhere instead of enjoying myself.

I walk around to the backyard with Cynthia and some dude whose name I already forgot. According to Cynthia, he's her ex and not she's his ex because she broke up with him instead of the other way around. Long story short, he still has feelings for her but she doesn't.

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