Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

Before I could make some snappy remark back at him, our food arrived, taking both of our attentions away from each other. We silently ate and Gabe then curtly asked for the check. A pang of guilt hit me. I didn’t want to make him that upset.

“Gabe. I’m sorry!” I said as he stood without me, ready to leave. He turned around and glared at me. “I-I didn’t mean what I said.” I stuttered. He gave me one last look before turning away. I ran out of my seat and chased after him into the rain. He finally stopped, turning around and smiling.

“You are too easy to trick.” He said, laughing. I glared at him and smacked his arm.

“Shut up! I thought you were actually showing feelings for once!” I hissed, angry that he had made me look like a love struck fool in that restaurant.

“Let’s go.” He said, taking my hand in his. I blushed instantly, but he didn’t seem to notice. He led me down the street and the rain started up again. I groaned, angry that I hadn’t stuffed an umbrella in my purse when I left.

“Did you bring…?”

“An umbrella?” He finished for me. “No. I didn’t think it would rain this hard. There’s a tree over there, that’ll keep us a little drier. Hurry up.” And we started to run. Jesus the tree was far away. Finally, after what seemed like minutes, we arrived at the tree. We were sitting under the tree now, waiting patiently for the rain to stop.

“So…” I began.

“So…” He repeated jokingly. I glowered at him and he smirked right back at me.

“How are things with Hanna?” I began, trying to bring up something instead of sitting here in silence.

“Ok I guess. There’s this other girl I can’t get off my mind.” He answered, running a hand through his soaking wet hair.

“Oh. Well what’s going on with her?” I asked, faking intrest.

“She is really sweet. I know I like her. But I…I don’t know.” He answered, looking at me expectantly.

“Who is she?” I asked, ready for the heartbreak. He had probably found another girl. Someone prettier than me. More talented than me. Better than everything in the world.

“You.” He whispered before his lips met mine. My eyes widened as he deepend the kiss. No. No. No! What was I doing?! He had a girlfriend for Christ’s sake! I pushed him off of me, gasping for air. He gave me a smirk, reaching for my hand.

“No. I can’t.” I whispered, running away.

I had run for five or so minutes after making sure Gabe hadn’t chased after me. Once making sure he was nowhere around, I found a taxi and rode home, shaking.

That night I couldn’t sleep at all. I kept tossing and turning, thinking about what I had done with Gabe. I liked him. A lot. But what I had done was wrong on so many levels. He was basically my boss. I would not have a work affair. Plus, he had a girlfriend. He just missed her. That was all. He was in a committed relationship, and I wasn’t going to play the other girl. I would wait for him to break up with her. Then, I would date him.

My phone vibrated; this must’ve been my seventh call from Gabe. It was one in the morning and he was calling me? Jesus he was persistent. Angrily, I flipped open my phone.

“What?” I snapped.

“Rae. I-I’m sorry.” He said quickly. “I don’t know what came over me. We’re just partners. I don’t want to jepordize our friendship. I’m sorry. And please, please don’t tell Hanna about this.” Gabe begged. I sighed, angry that he wanted to hide this from his girlfriend, but I agreed, since I wouldn’t want to mess with her when she found out.

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