Caskett: Highschool Lovestory Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

"Oh Kate."

He gathered her in his arms and rocked her.

"Shh shh, I love you so much, so so much."

"Please don't leave!"

"I'm not baby I'm not."

Why hadn't she told him about these nightmares?!

He was half hurt but he would put the hurt aside.

Right now his sobbing wife was his only concern.

"I was so scared."

"I know I know."

"You didn't love me."

"Oh Kate, I love you more than anything! You're never getting rid of me."


"Promise." He kissed her head and smiled.


"Hmm?" She asked calmer.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I..I don't know, ever since your accident I would have then a lot, but they've died down until now."

She whispered.

"Maybe you should see a therapist."



"Alright." She nodded and laid back down into his arms.

"Let's get some sleep, we still have another hour or two before we have to get up for classes.

Kate yawned and nodded as she fell asleep once more.


At 8:30 Rick and Kate walk hand in hand to College where their friends were already waiting on the lawn.

Lanie squealed and hugged her friend.

Kate laughed and hugged her back.

"Girl I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you two Lanie!"

"Rick!" Both Javi and Kevin exclaimed.

"Hey boys."

He smiled and fistbumped them.

"How was the honeymoon?" Kevin asked with a smile.

Rick glanced to Kate who was talking to Lanie then back.

"Amazing." He said and sat on the lawn.

"What about you guys?" Rick smirked.

"When you going to propose to Lanie."

Rick winked and Javi choked.


Rick laughed.

"I'm only 20 you know." Javi stated.

"So am I, and so is Kate and Kevin, Jenny and Lanie." Rick shot back.

"We're all 20 !" Rick said.

Rick laughed.

Kevin laughed and highfived Rick.

Javi smirked, "I still have time bro."

"Yea right." They both snorted.

Rick looked at his watch and then bolted up.

"Got to get to my class."

He walked over to Kate and kissed her cheek.

"Bye babe see you later."

Kate smiled and wrapped her arms around him forgetting Lanie for a split second.

She smiled and kissed him properly before biting her lip and releasing him.

Rick smiled and waved as he walked off.

"AWWW." Lanie squealed and Kate laughed.

Rick walked down the campus and headed towards his class when someone called his name.

"Hi Ricky." The voice purred.

Rick rolled his eyes and closed them.

He shook his head and kept walking.

"Ricky walk with me!"

"Meredith! Go away."

"What if I don't want to." She said.



Caskett: Highschool  LoveStoryWhere stories live. Discover now