"Hm.. Then should we just forget it ever happened?" you warned him. 



"ALRIGHT I WON'T.. GEEZ.." Vernon says. 
A little bit later into the car ride Vernon wanted to hold your hand but he was a little bit too nervous too. He was slowly inching over but he would pull back as soon as you would look down and notice. 
"Are you trying to hold my hand." you ask all of the sudden.

He tried to lie but he's a horrible liar so it was written all over his face."Psh.. Whhhhaaaat?" 
You gave him a "are you kidding me look?" and he gave in. "Fine.. yes." he said. 

"Here." you say giving your hand to him.

"Well now I don't wanna hold it." he rejects.

"Why not." your eyebrows furrowed.
"I don't want you to make it easy for me. It has to be smooootheee. Like has to naturally happen." Vernon explained.

"With you nothing will ever be smooooothe nor natural." you tease him.

"Okay okay, I see you. I'll prove you wrong." he says full of confidence. 

You guys continued to talk for the whole car ride home. After you guys got to your house, you went to put your suitcase and clothes away. 

"I've never noticed but your house is pretty big." Vernon said. 

"I guess so. Cause my grandparents live here but since they're away in Jeju it's just me." 
"When're they coming back?" he asks. 

"Hmmm.. I think in a week or so." 

"I see. You should introduce me to them when they get back." 

"What if they don't like you. I mean, I know I don't." you joked.

"Sometimes I'm not sure if you're joking, or if you're serious." he says.

"Well, figure that out for yourself." you say while putting your suitcase down. "Let's go, I'll just deal with the clothes later." you say heading for the door. 

"Ok, we should head to the ice cream shop. Everyone's probably waiting for us." Vernon said. 


"LOOK THEY'RE HERE!" Jun said. 

You guys entered the shop and every one greeted you guys. Since your group was so big, you guys took two tables and put them together so everyone would fit. 

"Did you guys order  yet?" you say sitting next to S.Coups. While Vernon sat to the right of you. 

"No we were waiting for you guys." Woozi answers. 

"Oh sorry. Let's order now." you suggest. 

After you guys ordered your stuff you chatted while waiting.
DK started the conversation. "Sooooo.." 

"Vernon and (y/n) should go on a date. Don't you agree?" said Emily. 

"Why, I know him well enough." you say. 

Vernon looked at you straight faced. "You've been on a date with Joshua, why can't you go with me?" he whines. 

Joshua suddenly looks up at you. You guys make eye contacts while everyone else stares at Vernon. 

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