"After work. Alright well that gives me until the end of school day then."

"To do what?"

"To teach you myself."

I walk away from him to go ahead and head to lunch. Exchange a few words with Aria and Joselynn since he's trying to avoid them. I enter the cafeteria just as they do making me smile.

"Hello, girls." I kiss Joselynn them hug Aria.

"Hello kind sir." Aria smiles before looking behind us. "Where's Scott?"

"I'm pretty sure he got stuck back in English. Look you guys go get somewhere by a window. Get some sunshine. Get that vitamin D." I smile before heading to the lunch line.

"Okay..." they head to the salad bar.

I grab my food sitting on the other side of the cafeteria where Scott sat as I sat. He placed up a World History book making me give him a look of stupidity.

"I'm pretty sure the book is making it more obvious." I turn around. "Allison's reading...Aria and Joselynn are laughing. Wow, she's smiling a real smile. That's the second one I've seen."


"Your girlfriend stupid." I thump him in the head.

"Did you come up with a plan yet?"

"I think so." I take a bite of my apple.

"Does that mean you don't hate me now?" he looks at me hopefully.

"No, but you crap's infiltrated my life so now I have to do something about it. Plus, I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

"Yeah, you teach me."

"Yeah, I'll be your Yoda."

"Yes you will be my Yoda."

"You're Yoda I will be." I say in a Yoda voice with a small laugh. "I said it backwards."

"Yeah I know."

"Well I definitely still hate you. Haha oh yeah." I take both my books from Scott causing full attention towards him.

"Scott." I heard two girls. "Scott, wait."

{ Scott }

I quickly ran into the boys' room before Aria or Allison could get me. I lean my ear onto the door listening then hear nothing but footsteps walking away.

I leaned back against the wall sighing to myself, "This is not gonna be easy."

Finally having the guts to walk out of the boys' room, I head towards the Lacrosse field where Stiles instructed me to go. Once I met him we went to the bench where he sat down and I stood up.

"Here, put this on."

"Isn't this one of the heart monitors for the track team?"

"Yeah, I borrowed it."

"You stole it."

"Temporally misinterpreted. Coach uses it on his phone to monitor his heart rate while he. You're gonna wear for the rest of the day."

"Isn't that coach's phone?"

"That I stole." he nods.


"You're heart rate changes when you have adrenaline, right? When you're playing Lacrosse...with my sister...I'm not even gonna suggest Allison because I hope not. Anyway, maybe you can learn to control it as long as you control your heart rate."

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