Louis' eyes went wide with Harry's admission, knowing that the last thing the lad always wanted was a nagging, clingy girlfriend which almost always prompted him to leave a lady not liking the pressure, yet here he was right now, declaring the exact opposite with the brunette "Wow, you really are whipped mate." He meant the statement to be teasing, yet found himself gazing at the curly lad with curiosity after receiving a wordless reply, only to be left gawking as he finally received one.

"I'm in love with her mate, I know it's too soon but I am and I don't want to lose her when I barely even have her"

"Wow I never thought I'd hear those words from you – But what do you plan now?" Louis asked hurriedly after seeing the look Harry was giving him with his previous statement.

"I don't know mate" Harry sighed again, looking like a lost child "But I know that I want to fight for her"

Louis smiled at Harry's admission, he knew it was not the most appropriate moment but it was the first time that Harry actually wanted to fight for a relationship, which was pretty big for the lad considering he's dated 15 girls before. The lad wasn't a womanizer - that was a fact that has already been established by the band, he just didn't put much effort to a relationship. So to hear those words from him really elated Louis knowing that he finally found a woman worth fighting for, if only that said woman was not so stubborn.

A grin suddenly appeared on the boy's face as an idea popped up on his head, inwardly scolding himself for not thinking it sooner "I have an idea" Louis said, making Harry eye him curiously, obviously hanging onto his every word. "I think it's time to bring in reinforcements, yeah?" He finished while pulling his phone out to dial a number then pressed it to his ear.

"Louis wha-"

"Shh" Louis said putting a finger to his lips, then continued as the voice on the other end answered "Hey babe, I need to speak to you" He continued, obviously speaking to Eleanor. And for the first time in two weeks, as Harry listened to his best mate, he knew that Louis had succeeded in putting a smile on his face as one appeared on his lips.

Thank God for my friends.


"Hey mom, how are you?" Selena greeted, excitedly asking about her mom's due.

"I'm good dear, though the contractions are becoming more frequent" her mom answered a bit of discomfort lacing her tone, but obviously elated nonetheless.

"That's good, isn't it? It means she's due to come out soon, right?"

Her mom laughed at her daughter's childish excitement "She should be, I'll be admitted tomorrow"

"Oh My Gosh, I'm gonna have a little sister!"

"Yes you are dear"

"Oh mom, guess what?"

"What now?" her mom asked chuckling

"I'm going to see you soon" Selena said grinning

"You booked a flight?"

"Yup on the 29th, that's our half-term break"

"On Thursday?"

"Yup, I booked a non-stop flight, I'll be there by 2 in the afternoon Thursday"

"Oh My God, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well it was sort of a surprise"

"Is Zoey coming with you?"

"I haven't told her yet, but she probably will"

"How long will you be here?"

"I go back 10AM November 1"

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Where stories live. Discover now