He grabbed my hair in his fist and smashed my head on the wall. I can feel the blood coming out and soon I blacked out, which I was thankful for.

I felt a bad headache and tried to open my eyes. Everything seemed like a blur. I was against the wall and my body felt cold.

I shivered with the cold and picked up myself from the floor. My head started spinning, and I supported myself on the wall.

My back ached with the pain and my face too.

I guess it's the punishment for what I did to May.

I sort of deserved it. Well, Sort of...

I checked for my parents presence and hear them snoring.

How can they sleep peacefully knowing that their child is unconscious laying on floor?

Husna will be soon here. How will I protect her?

I have to do something. I can take all the beatings but I won't let my father hurt her.

I entered in my room and gulped down few painkillers. I usually avoid them but today it's been a wreck.

I checked the clock and it said three am. I was out for a few hours.

I recite the Shahdah, and fall asleep.

The vibration from the cell woke me up, signaling the time of fajr. I prayed to Allah to forgive my parents.

They don't really know what they are doing. They don't see how great the Islam religion is. Ya Allah! Guide them the right path.

After praying I took my bag and exited the house before my father could wake up.

I can fight against him but I remind myself that he is my father. I would die before leaving Islam. Islam is my life and nothing can between me and my religion.

Not even a cute girl?

Auzubillahi minash shayta nirrajeem!

I recited so that Shaytan would stop whispering rubbish.

Yesterday I made a mistake by going out with her. I didn't wanted to lead her or build her hopes. I can hardly handle myself, and I'm nowhere interested in any girl, for now.

I just want to get over with my studies and open a small business.

I'll think about marriage after thirty. Not a year before that.

I leave for school, and stand at the entrance of our school to meet May. I think I should apologize for my behavior.

What I did was heinous and wrong. I just have to sort it out. At least now, she'll stop nagging me.

Khadija entered and started jumping like her. May had turned her up, into a bubble ball. She acts too immature from the past few days.

Talk about keeping bad company.

"Zain Alana, I want every single detail!" We hardly talk in school. I don't want her to involve in my reputation and image. She is already facing enough tantrums of those brats, teasing her about the hijab.

"Everyone's looking at you," I whisper so only she can hear.

"Idc. Talk already," Girls and their short forms.

"She kissed and I pushed her. It wasn't my intention to make her fall on the ground." I waited for her to burst but it was that silence before the storm.

"I just can't believe it. You - you stupid male! You - all you are like that!" From the past month, she grew more attached to May. It won't come to me as a shock of Khadija tries to kill me.

"You - you bad person. You - you stupid male. You - you arrogant---" she kept throwing insults at me I moved away.

I was disappointed that she didn't ask about the bruise on my face and was more worried about her new friend.

"What the hell, dude?" At least someone paid attention.

"Nothing, Abdullah." He knows about it and so does Khadija.

They both were first shocked but now it was a daily routine.

It's funny how everyone in school thinks of me as a street fighter.

I never untangled their thoughts or rumors, which resulted in getting me a bad boy image.

I was happy that I wasn't bullied like Husna. I was happy that people couldn't see the truth about my life. The truth of my life is not all rainbows and unicorns.

Ya Allah! I'm sounding like Khadija.

Everyday she followed behind me like a dog and today when I want to talk to her, she is avoiding me.

I didn't see her till the lunch break. I'm sure she can't avoid me in maths.

She wasn't in class. Looks like she skipped. She was absent few days ago too.

You ask how I know this? Because I wasn't being stalked those days.

I try my best to avoid her, but she comes standing right in front of me.

To be truthful it feels creepy.

What do I do now? Looks like I have hurt her badly. But it was never my intention.

Thinking about that, if she didn't kissed me, where would we be?


So, what do you think about Zain's situation. Did anyone of you see this coming?? Comment below!

True goal for the next chapter - 16 votes. I'm sure you guys will make it :D

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