You're too Good

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The steel and blonde haired man woke slowly, looking around the single room apartment he had rented. The clock against the wall read six thirty-seven in the morning. He groaned, stretching as he woke, quickly realizing his bed was not his alone. Someone was within the sheets. "G'morning." Said a sleepy voice, coming from a brunette woman of whom he had no recollection of meeting. The woman leaned up for a kiss but he was already up, pulling on the clothes which he lost sometime last night. "I've gotta go. Help yourself to stuff in the fridge." He said quickly, walking out and heading down two floors, knocking on the door of his old friend. A small redhead answered the door, a sleepy smile on her lips. "Morning, Wash." She said, and he swore he felt his body shudder with happiness. "Morning, 'Lina. York at work?" Wash asked as he leaned against the counter. Carolina nodded slowly, yawning softly. "He left about an hour ago. What brings you down here this early?" She wondered softly, seeing him tousle his hair. "You wanna go out sometime tonight?" He asked casually, looking up at her. "As friends." Wash added, easing her confusion. "Yeah, sure. Come get me later." She nodded after her confusion cleared, bringing a cup of coffee to her lips. Wash smiled, looking at her before nodding and standing straight. "I've gotta get to work. I'll pick you up tonight." He said, bending down to kiss her cheek before walking out the door.

"I'm telling you, North. There's no way to-" Washington stopped mid-sentence as his phone rang, picking it up and smiling as he saw it was addressed as "Carolina" with a small heart next to it. "Wash...David please come get me." His smile faded as he heard her choked sobs. "I'm on my way, Rachel." He said, hanging up before running to his car, taking off towards her apartment. Wash arrived a short while later, slamming his car door as he saw her, her face buried in her hands. Running, he approached her, quickly wrapping her into a tight hug, hushing her sobs with kisses against her forehead and his arms wrapped around her. "What happened?" He asked softly, greeted with babbles of her and York getting into a fight and leaving her. Wash growled, clearly unhappy with the results of the fight. "He's a damn fool to leave you. You're incredible. He doesn't deserve you." He said quietly, keeping her held tight in his arms. She looked up at him, and his reaction was to wipe away the tears with a smile. "How about dinner? My treat." He said, earning a weak smile and laugh and she sniffled. Carolina sighed, wrapping her arms around him as a car pulled in behind them, and outraged York climbing out. "I leave for half an hour and you're already with him?" He hissed, eying Wash. "York, she called me in tears. I won't just leave her alone like that!" Wash snapped, glaring at him. "You don't even deserve her! She does everything for you. She let's you live with her. And you have the nerve to treat her this way?" He growled, standing in front of Carolina. York took a step forward, the smaller man raising his chin to stare him in the eye. "Get your shit and leave, Aaron. So help me if I ever see you back here, I will make sure you don't stay for long." Wash growled, turning and taking Carolina by the hand and guiding her to his car.

"You didn't have to do that." The pair sat at a small booth, Carolina watching Wash as he sat back, holding his cup. "He doesn't deserve you. And it's time someone told him." He said simply, bringing the cup to his lips and taking and sip of the cool water. "If we're being honest, you're too good for a lot of guys, Rachel." Carolina sat back at these words, looking at him. "Why did you do it?" She asked, taking a bite of the burger that sat in front of her on a plate. Wash sighed, setting his glass down as he sat forward, looking into her green eyes with his hazel. "Carolina, for a long time, I sat back and watched you two. You seemed happy but you were always fighting. And I was angry, and jealous. I wanted to be York, because," He paused slightly, looking down before saying softly. "Because I love you." Carolina stared at him, her eyes widened at the sudden confession. Yet suddenly, everything made sense. He was there for her, he did everything he could to make her happy, he'd pick up York's slack. "David, I..I didn't know." She was at a loss for words. He didn't meet her eyes, his own welling with tears as he stood, leaving his keys on the table. "You can take my car. I'm gonna go for a walk." Wash said, his voice cracking as he kept back tears. The steel and blonde haired man walked out the door, leaving cash on the table to pay.

"Hey this is Wash. Can't come to the phone. You know what to do." She sighed at the audible beep as she called him for the sixth time. "Hey, David please pick up. I really need to talk to you. Call me back." Carolina hung up the phone and tossed it down with an aggravated sigh. It'd been a week since he told her he loved her, and left. She jumped as the phone rang, seeing the name and sighing. "What's up, North?" Carolina asked, laying back. "Wash said for you to come down to the work site. He wanted to talk." He said, a smile growing on her lips as she nodded and hung up. It took her less that half an hour to get to the work site, and a taller blonde greeted her. "He's over there." He said, pointing to where Wash stood, waving in her direction. She thanked him before walking over, looking up at him. "You called?" Carolina said, crossing her arms. Wash rubbed his head, sighing quietly. "I didn't know how to face you after that. So I did this instead." He pulled his other hand forward, a metal rose in his hand. "I made it on break. Figured you'd like it. You said you never liked flowers because they died too quick." He said softly, smiling as she took it. Carolina looked up at him, sighing as she took his hand. "Wash, I should've said it sooner, but I was so confused. I'm sorry. There's just so much going on and I was just hurt. David, I love you." She said softly, looking up just in time to feel his lips crash against her own, his arms wrapping around her waist and her arms snaking around his neck. "I love you, too." Wash's voice came muffled against her lips, a smile on her own and she kept hold of him.

A.N.// This was written per request of an ifunny user by the name of Official_Blue. If she reads this, I hope you enjoy. I've never written about Washalina/CarWash before but I tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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